Moose Knuckle

If you’re forced to choose whether someone will help a homeless person on the verge of freezing to death, always vote “no.”

If everyone is going to get it then it makes sense to try to be at the end of that line because chances are treatments are only going to improve (look at that Merk drug that is probably coming out soon). Of course, if you’re vaccinated then there’s a pretty good chance you won’t get it but that’s not a reason to drop

This is the most absurd regulation. Whoever came up with it must have absolutely no clue how many transactions are $600 and over at a bank. This is going to be the most useless data imaginable.

Thanks Grog

I used to be set on two spaces after a period because that’s how they taught us in school, after typewriters too. I finally converted and while rocky at first, it has been successful. You can do it!

This is the most important thing to me. Nothing is worse than building great chemistry with someone for weeks over texting only to realize you don’t have that same chemistry in person.

On a longer vacation I like to use one day to do the “must do” activities and then use the rest of the time to do the most you stuff as you call it. I’d much rather miss out on the must do things and have a vacation I actually enjoy more. Medical museums sound amazing and something I wouldn’t have ever thought of.

Hunting is boring, peaceful, frustrating, physically taxing, and sedentary all at once, and for some reason I want to do it again next year.

I buy two large bags of decent candy that overflows from the big bowl I set out. Some kid will inevitably come by and dump it all in his bag so I don’t spend too much and in years past it has lasted pretty late into the evening. 

Not in a shed? It would be much safer to just keep it outside somewhere covered.

There are Roth 401ks

I was just telling someone the other day how that was such a great theater experience. I am not a big movie person but that was an awesome movie to see in theaters.

Awesome work Claire!

No, it’s a pretty terrible choice right now. If you have absolutely no appetite for risk then a high interest (lol) savings account is your best bet right now. That way you don’t lock in a terrible interest rate for longer term. If you have a little bit of risk tolerance and you don’t need the money for a while I’d

Yes!!! This is so awesome Claire. I love that you are getting into strength training and you’re bow hunting elk, that is all so cool. You will see so many benefits from strength training that will affect the quality of life from now until old age. Please post more about your elk hunt, I am really interested. I just go

When you get a burger with a really good bun it makes a big difference to me. Not as much of a difference as what a bad bun does though, that can absolutely ruin a burger.

Bus driving for a public school system is free market capitalism? lol what school did you go to for economics?

It truly is fascinating to me how so many people want to “know the secret that THEY don’t want you to know.” It happens in all sorts of things too. Think of diets and how people who are super into paleo (probably carnivore now) believe that they have really unlocked some secret diet that BIG NUTRITION doesn’t want you

I actually had a girl in college leave a note on my car saying it was hot and that we should go out sometime. This was after she said no to a date before she knew what I drove. I did not take her up on her offer.

Beth, I am disappointed in the lack of Kratos lifts mentioned