Moose Knuckle

Know of any that use a sweetener besides sucralose? Too much sucralose tends to give me heart palpitations so I just try to avoid it these days.

To be fair, who knew english muffins had instructions

Well how about that, I learned something today. Thanks Claire!

I got a detangling brush on Amazon for my daughter as I have absolutely no experience brushing hair and it has made a world of difference. It went from something we both dreaded to something that is pretty easy and only gets the occasional complaint.

Having dealt with this too many times when it comes to strength training, the key is heavy slow eccentrics, something you can do 8-12 reps of for 3-5 sets multiple times a week. Don’t push those movements to failure and slowly add volume as things improve. Some things are much longer to heal up than others.

Yeah, once again this site has pretty much gone downhill. What a joke.

Used this last night and it worked great

I have been seeing conflicting information as of late so I am not sure what the true info is at this point but yeah, I am cautiously optimistic. If we can achieve two weeks post second shot by the end of the year I’ll be very happy. With how cases spiked around Thanksgiving - February last year I would really like to

We’ve already had multiple classrooms quarantine for a week at my kids school, the 6-12 school has quarantined an entire grade already. That said, they did institute a mask mandate even though it’s not allowed here and the cases in the school have been slowing so that’s good.

I hear you. They’ve already had to quarantine four classes at my kids school and I live in a state where we have to battle our governor to have kids wear masks. It is going to be such a relief when that EUA gets approved.

You can definitely expect the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and whatever cut the rental company gets (if one is used) to be baked into the rent. I doubt many people renting homes have a mortgage with PMI so that’s out, I’ve always had to pay my utilities so that’s out, and I’ve rented plenty of places that made me do

I believe the only reason Pfizer can be given off label now is because it is FDA approved

We are basically hoping for it to be available to 5-11 year olds by the end of the year. Possibly as soon as October but that’s if everything goes as planned and then it takes a while to get to that window of two weeks past the second shot. It’s frustrating as a parent of an elementary aged kid but I obviously want

Nah, I legit need more things than can fit in a phone wallet case. I have a minimalist wallet that I keep in my front pocket and it is perfect and have had it for years with no issues.

Yeah people are dumb. It’s why this is even a topic that even needs to be discussed in 2021.

I can’t believe we still have to have the debate about flu shots every year. Just get the shot. The flu sucks, like really bad. If you had the flu and it didn’t suck you didn’t have the flu. Yes, the shot isn’t 100% effective but it helps reduce severity of illness even if you do get sick and you can even get paid to

Literally ever single person I have seen tout ivermectin as a treatment is anti mask and anti vax. Yes there is not a peer reviewed paper on the subject but it’s not much of a stretch to say people who deny the overwhelming validity of vaccines would also be opposed to any other common sense precautionary measures.

Reminds me, I need to drench some sheep. No, I will not be having a taste while doing it because I am not a moron.

In Texas the governor is GOP and that’s how the state voted for president but the local leadership of the major cities is all Democrat. Those areas are seeing higher vaccination rates than the rural areas but the vaccination rate in the low income and minority majority areas is definitely the lowest. The anti-vax

If you can’t afford to buy full shares of these companies you should not be investing in individual stocks. Go buy a low cost index fund and call it a day.