Moose Knuckle

I just got into Iron Culture and I’m glad I missed out on it for so long because now I have a ton of episodes to binge

The Stronger by Science pod is so good, Eric and Greg have the best chemistry and sense of humor. If you want a lifting podcast without the education part and just the fun, definitely check out Massenomics, the lifting podcast about nothing. Might take a few episodes to get the inside jokes but it’s one of the most

Tipping someone for grabbing a cup and filling it with some drip coffee is ridiculous. Maybe if I got some off menu item that took a lot of effort but how about just pay your staff appropriately? We don’t tip the cashier at McDonalds, why is coffee special?

Yeah the key here is the whole adjusting for lean mass/body fat %. Older individuals are probably not going to be carrying around as much muscle as they were before.

My bank waves them up to $100. I just like the peace of mind of never having to worry about it. Technically it’s not the most optimal way to do things but I want to have a certain amount of cash readily available anyway and my real savings account is with an online bank so it would take time to transfer the funds.

I think it’s worth having at least double your monthly expenses in your checking account just as a safety. Yes you’re not making as much on it as a savings account but as you mentioned, savings rates are abysmal right now and 60 bps on three thousand dollars is $18/year. I’ll give that up for peace of mind that I’ll

And then you need to buy a car, which would be at a possible all time high price point


This list is dumb, The Shining is not ruined because of the pandemic. Stopped reading after that.

Beth, do you notice when using straps if your setup is different? I typically pull mixed grip but when the reps are more than 3 or my hands are just ripped up I use my straps (versa grips, which I really like). However, it seems like I have a harder time “setting” my back vs using mixed grip. My guess is that I find

I honestly don’t know how anyone can make an accurate diagnosis with those symptoms, there is so much crossover there

Nothing like some cool beans with a piping hot LaCroix on these summer days after some Jefferson deadlifting. 

I have a feeling it’s more complex than that but I can’t say for sure. If the vaccine is X% effective in preventing breakthrough cases on a large sample we would expect to see that same rate (within the confidence intervals) in a heavily vaxxed country like Israel, possibly even better given the percent of vaccinated

It’s not like it matters, the people like that are dug in and nothing will change their mind aside from perhaps a friend/family member passing away from COVID. The people who we can still reach are the people who just don’t understand the data. There are actually people out there who have not been vaccinated because

Would love an explanation on the breakthrough case rate in Israel that seems to be much higher than other nations.

I don’t know what my body is “built for” but I find sumo MUCH harder than conventional. I’m sure my lack of practice has something to do with it but I just can’t get comfortable with it. A strong sumo deadlift is as equally visually appealing to me as a strong conventional deadlift so give me all the deadlifts please.

Let’s be real, the CDC is hoping that unvaccinated people will start wearing masks now because everyone stopped wearing them when they said vaccinated people could stop wearing masks. THAT is where the real community transmission is coming from, not vaccinated people. Problem is, the cat is out of the bag and the

No, I didn’t say that as if it’s the only reason to use sunscreen, that’s you putting words in my mouth. I wear sunscreen to prevent sunburns because the evidence is very strong that it works for that. The evidence that it prevents cancer is not so strong, contrary to what most people believe and people should be

You should do an article on the effectiveness of sunscreen in preventing skin cancer. The evidence is shockingly lacking.

Yeah I feel like there is a good bit more of nuance needed here than the basic premise the headline tries to get across. The saying, you can’t outrun a bad diet, has been around for longer than this book because we know you really don’t burn that many calories in cardio or weight training.