
This is so much better though. Also, Into The Spider-Verse was a *very* watered down version of the comics’ Spider-Verse run. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t good.


I really don't like the MCU, but this is by far the most bad faith reading of these characters I have ever seen.

When that after credit scene started I was happy as I thought Flag had survived, but then they showed that china cock sucking loser and just ugh...

I can’t stand it when they add fantastical elements to historical dramas.

Walking, talking trees? No problem.

Why is it that the intersection of a Venn diagram between “Studio Executives” and “Terrible Ideas” almost always results in a perfect circle?

every now and then, i’ll be living my life... perhaps washing the dishes... perhaps cutting the grass... when out of nowhere...

I have very fond memories of watching Arthur as a kid (“That sign can’t stop me! I can’t read!”) but it’s pretty hard to be sad about the cancellation of a show I didn’t even realize was still producing new episodes.

Thank you! People don’t know wtf they want. If it’s a big honking magical laser battle it’s bad, if it’s a philosophical/psychological discussion over consequences and ethics it’s bad or boring. Can’t win with some people. IMHO that final resolution of this show where they were just talking, was great and a hint of

Yup. That entire “final battle” was psychological. Loki and Slyvie were at each others throats, and at any moment it felt like one may kill the other.


Is this an American reaction? Because, as a bisexual person, I didn’t rejoice after hearing this; I scoffed at the subject of another Disney marketing move built to make my ilk’s most narcissistic very very happy.

Hmm... I think that’s better than most apologies in these sort of situations? I’m still pissed at the guy but maybe he’ll actually continue to accept responsibility and quit being shitty? I hope. Been let down before. I don’t know, I’m torn but in kind of an overall “wait and see” mindset right now. 

Cage fight between Abomination and Wong is definitely the most unexpected thing I’ve seen in a MCU trailer. Wonder if Tim Roth is involved in any way.

63 whole MB of storage...

How could you leave out the best part: Emma lusting after Steve Rogers, of all people.