
Good on him, glad Seth isn’t dancing around the subject. James feels like a capsule of a certain type of predator from the 2000s. Him, John Mayer, Dane Cook, Chris Delia, all similar creepy white man vibes who think they are progressive.

“America has to stop looking for heroes in its Bill Gates figures and start assuming they’re all Jeffery Epsteins.”

Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.

You ARE invalidating my experience and there is absolutely no other way to read your first comment about how I probably wouldn’t have REALLY killed myself or died by coronary by 35. You’re outright stating it isn’t true, and implying that my very serious mental health problems were histrionics. I deserve better than

So, I didn’t go to Provo Canyon. I went to a different school, which did not abuse children. Shut down Provo Canyon, certainly. That’s not the same as saying shut down residential treatment modalities.

90% of millenials’ response to this article:

hi im from asia I saw some youtuber criticizing your article so I cam here and Im honestly confused

In your other article, you lamented the lack of options that let you create a character that looks more like you. But in this one, you’re bashing players for doing the same. Seems kinda strange to me.

I am going to be one of those idiots saying “Red ___ Standing By” on voice chat at the start of every match. I apologize in advance.

I’ve already made plans to get a little fire pit for my patio for winter and maybe one of those outdoor heater things. My husband died this Spring and because of the pandemic, condolers have had to be outside..something I really enjoyed and something that will still be necessary as the weather changes. Not to mention,

I think he’s upset that the story is not canon to the comics?

I’m not sure what you mean. How is it not a comic book game?

Well it is called Jedi Fallen Order...I’ll see myself out.

Both things suck

I think accepting that the article is incomplete is the first step in understanding the concept.

Listen. Adoption is such a long, arduous, painful, confusing, emotional, EXPENSIVE process that the idea anyone would or could go through it as some kind of popularity stunt or money-making enterprise (omg) is absurd. I mean, I think vlogging the whole thing like this is in very bad taste, but reasonable minds can

That’s a pretty normal reaction to pervasive, dehumanizing violence in the real world. Shock gives way to numbness as you try to cope, which eventually mutates into anger as you realize the pointless, destructive nature of it all. You’re mad all the time, you just want it to be over, but you can’t quit, not until the

She seems nice and all, but I’m not sure why she’d want to play a plum.

For the same base price you could get more than 7,000 Pop Tarts.