I...I don’t watch the show.
I...I don’t watch the show.
here’s a little more context from ESPN magazine:
A good friend of mine who is a history teacher has related to me how he finds a lot of use with historical precedence and relating it to modern situations.
It gets worse. They’re also forming their understanding of and opinions on science, history, and social problems through YouTube personalities, as well.
...and then they cite them in formal essays.
I told a student about a year ago that I’d be naming my first liver biopsy after one of their more concerning essays. They…
Much as I’m not big on shaming anyone for their inborn traits, when someone has an inborn trait that automatically provokes interest, and uses that inborn trait to be a raging dickhead—well, let’s say I’m not too proud to shame the shit out of a racist dickbag by mocking aspects of themselves they cannot help, because…
They all suck and helped put us in this situation.
He didn’t get booted because he was overtly racist, he got booted because he got caught.
What is pathetic is that there are now two generations of Americans that grew up with far right wing conservative radio, television and news websites that actually believe that the white people don’t have power because the ‘liberals’ only pander to minorities.
Thank you for breaking it down and explaining it so well. I’m lucky enough not to have much experience with abusers so it’s easy for people like me to not realize that Zach Smith’s actions aren’t just some simple absent-minded mistake, but actually have a very specific purpose to them.
Nailed it. He’s trying to play Superdad in front of an audience of teachers so that he can point to it in a later court hearing. It’s the mark not only of an abuser, but a narcissist.
You watch - the right will use these kids as the anti-Parkland kids.
These are the actions of an abuser. Here’s how: Abuse is about manipulation of power and control. Here he is, being a “concerned” parent to show up at school to pick up his kids, even though, based on what is being reported, he should not. He’s trying to publicly show that he is a responsible parent. It situations…
IMHO Donj is the most pathetic individual in associated with this whole affair.
It’s effectively dumbass purple prose for, “Yours will be the first skull on the pile.”
Think of the average eighth-grade student’s fiction work. Apply it to what this dude said. Problem solved.
*Rex Ryans bursts in, wheezing*
Heard the...headline...need to...hear more.
Getting banned indefinitely to own the libs
Honestly, I love this response.
Context is everything in social actions and interactions. Knowledge of audience, situation, and location are key to understanding how a given gesture, statement, or behavior is likely to be received.
If you act in full knowledge of the likely (negative) interpretations of your actions and…