Wedge’s Gambit, second book of the Rogue Squadron Series by Stackpole. SSD Lusankya was hidden under Coruscant.
Wedge’s Gambit, second book of the Rogue Squadron Series by Stackpole. SSD Lusankya was hidden under Coruscant.
I am not religous in any way but this quote is especially appropriate in this situation:
“The press conference was a good distillation of what makes Kerr alternatively interesting and exhausting as a world-events commentator”
In the article it does say that Guyger would NOT be eligible for parole. So, even if she gets five years (I don’t think it will be that low, but I could reasonably see something like 10 to 15 years put out there), she would have to serve every single damn day.
I’m teaching it right now. At least it gives me a pathway to hook my kids on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson....
I attempted to read the article but this monster and the opening sentence made my social studies teacher brain glitch out. Billy needs an editor, badly
The logos look like they were ripped from Madden's Build a Franchise mode...
By that logic-of which I think you are right- then these statements were a way to distract from the administration declaring that it will ignore the courts and hold immigrant families indefinitely.
Careful, he may try to use your post to show people that his theory is true.
Well Trump and Ted Cruz never went to war, so how could we expect them to learn that little lesson of history?
I’m pretty sure that is Tobin Heath on the far right. Coincidentally, she is business partners with Megan on a clothing line.
There were reports that Pease Air Base, which is located in Newington/Portsmouth was placed on lockdown around noon today as their were reports of an active shooter. I’m guessing that this is probably what cancelled Pence’s appearance and not necessarily some political emergency.
The response from Mr. Shiau is very telling. It is the same argument that German civilians brought forward in regards to the camps like Dachau (keep in mind all the extermination camps- the purpose built killing facilities-were all built in Poland) and others around Germany. At some point, it just becomes willful…
Whats most interesting is that Chuck used Dachau is his example.
I have no problem with pit bulls, but I also wouldn’t want them in my class either, as they will definitely add more stress when the kids should instead be focused on learning.
I am a teacher, my wife is a teacher and my kids are three and six. It absolutely boggles my mind that people think that arming teachers will be any kind of a net positive. It is already one of the most stressful working environments in America, introducing a weapon that has the power to kill will somehow make…
It takes a strong person to admit that in this day and age.. I salute you!
Unbelievable motor.
I think you may have meant Ramsey Bolton
Hstory teacher here. This is absolutely 100% true these days