Skyrocketing Resale Value

So the lithium market is depressed? How ironic.

Battle Prius or bust.

Someone took one through Moab...

New life goal: Make my smart fortwo do the Rubicon Trail.

Topazzin was behaviour recorded by owners of the Ford Tempo and Mercury Topaz, in acceptance that their new machines could not perform the passing functions of the old. And so in a ritual meant to recreate the function, they began driving side by side in both lanes.

Over the years as the Peterson Empire failed and the

A million miles in 13 years is over 200 miles a day. That’s a lot of time in 6th without shifting.  

Agree on Will Farrell. He had a few entertaining movies but should not be on any best of SNL. They just won't show the real best of SNL.

Sounds like Jim couldn’t hack it as CEO

SweetCron? How often does that run? Every minute? [*nix joke]

Damnit. This is Jalopnik. Not CornHub.

I am amaized.

You mean border security is important? Who knew?

A cheese pun? Brielly?

Gouda one, $kaycog!

That’s a Gouda comment. I expected a Swissed opportunity.

Holey moly, that’s delicious.

How cheesy.

Ultium should not be driven if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, wish to ever make someone pregnant, or desire to be recognized by members of the opposite sex.

Do not take Ultium if you are over 80, pregnant, and operating heavy machinery.  You may experience convulsions, coma and death when mixed with alcohol or overdose. 

Take your star. That never gets old.