Good thing they aren't acquiring Zynga. I don't know what I would do without Farmville.
Good thing they aren't acquiring Zynga. I don't know what I would do without Farmville.
@IvanTheOcean: No, they need to wait until Bioshock 10 to do that.
Of course it's cheap as hell now. It sold 1.5 million (?) copies in it's first week, so I'm guessing everyone who would buy it at full price has it sitting on their shelves by now.
@NicolasCage: Buy 500 in addition to that and you could maybe get a small coffee at Starbucks!
@Sylar will take the power from Crecente's hair: Maybe Waldo has been trapped in North Korea all this time and he has just escaped to the south?
Seriously? Sure, gamepads have their place in PC gaming, but not in a FPS.
So technically these are the first two fifth generation Pokémon, but I never know if we should consider evolutionary forms as separate entities or parts of the same whole
@JayUnreal: HeartGold and SoulSilver are considered Generation 4 along with D/P/Pt, just like how Fire Red and Leaf Green were Gen 3.
@FoundHope: No, they have been pretty consistent. That's just your nostalgia playing tricks on you.
@HJSoulma: Don't think using only Kyoto Animation characters is really fair, as there are plenty of anime that don't make all their characters moeblobs.
Pretty sure if you cancel on eBay then the seller will just put some negative rep on your account, but idk.
Well there goes his life.
@JohnnyricoMC: Except if you are taking into account the anime then there were already 251 pokemon, since Gold/Silver were released before the show.
@Demonbird: Like an Obese gymnast.
Maybe it's just a codename? Hope not, because codenames always turn out to be better than the final name *cough*REVOLUTION*cough*
I personally would have liked to see Tails running beside him, but meh. At least sonic is getting a decent game.
I love everyone saying "lol get an HDTV people."
@thedrizzle114001: SAXTON HALE!
They must demand the 18+ with their BARE FISTS.