Glad to see Billy Hatcher is in it.
Glad to see Billy Hatcher is in it.
lol @ the mom saying she watches her kid (16 maybe?) play Xbox closely. I would think that most parents would be against all the people screaming "OMG YOU HOMO NIGGER"
@Terance! - In Before What My Message Says: Problem Terance?
@olirgztilB: japanese man so ronery
@cokefan999: I really wish the Gamestop near me did these Pokemon events :(
@psychicfriend: You have to be more specific when it comes to blogging.
He needs to make a sequel to Goof Troop from the SNES imo.
@xxnike629xx: Why would they want shipping to be more? You do know shipping costs go to the retailer and not the makers of the game right?
@Lord Raggleus Fraggleus: That's what I thought of when I first saw this in the TF2 forums.
@jei: I thought that was why they invented home.
@That mop mutant: $50 for a bluetooth headset? Pretty sure you can find them for around 20.
@kingme: and I would think ads would be very appropriate in a Baseball game. I haven't been to one in a while, but I'm pretty sure I remember there being ads.
@one800higgins: Seeing as 90% of dedicated servers for other games are rented I don't see why they will need to eat their words.
Well now it's going to be banned.
If they don't like it, then they can quit. No one is forcefully keeping them there against their will.
@Bubbleman!: Obvious troll is obvious
@Flagina: Best boxart ever.