
Well if she’s not a good politician, by all means judge her on that. But I’m still comfortable calling daily mail the villain of this particular story.

Hell if I know. Just one day I was able to put a pic up instead of the pixely thing.

Check out the first 5 minutes of DOA. Not Wilder but classic and imitated ever since. no swimming pools either. Film Noir.

Don’t question the article. You’ll get banned.

When has ‘young man found dead on property of internationally famous actor’ ever NOT been news?

Now I have the urge to watch Sunset Boulevard. Great movie though.

I do wonder if Demi has a monkey in a child’s coffin.

Wilder meant the film as a comedy. He had been working on it for many years with Charles Brackett before shooting. They kinda hated each other too.

It never occurred to me before this moment but Demi would make an excellent Norma Desmond in my pretend Sunset Boulevard reboot.

“I *AM* big. It’s the *PICTURES* that got small.”

Did you know that Billy Wilder originally had a different opening scene where William Holden is on a slab in a morgue and gets up and starts the story? The audience thought it was a comedy, so he cut it for the now iconic swimming pool opening.

You are my new hero.

The poor dope, he always wanted a pool. Well, in the end, he got himself a pool.

It’s been done.

And because I’m a horrible person, my first thoughts were of “Sunset Boulevard.”

Did you used to have a different name? I thought you actually got to proper avatar status.

Yay you! Congrats because that is HUGE!

Also consider therapy now that the meds are working. Often once the “edge” is off, people can engage in therapy a little more and get more out of it. But wheee! Great news!

Ugh I ran home after work tonight to post this here.

After seven months of trial and error, this latest anti-anxiety drug may be working. I’m feeling not great, but there’s improvement. And my thinking is better. And I stood up for myself at work. So, I’m going to stick with it. Unfortunately it makes me super nauseated. But I’ll take it over crippling panic and fear.

Only one suggestion: don’t go to a movie with your ex.