
I cannot wait for the Republican debate. It is going to be amazing.

He wasn’t “caught” midblink. He exists midblink.

A bunch of them recently called Bernie Sanders, the Jew who lost family in the Holocaust, Hitler. They have no sense of irony.

Yeah, my father was 18 at the end of the draft when there were no more new student deferments. He’s always maintained that if he’d been born a day earlier, my siblings and I might not be around since that birthday got one of the first numbers, and his got one of the last.

>>>They are now 1 short step from calling Obama Hitler.

Hitler-y Clinton - calling it!

Hilarious stuff.

My ex husband cheated on me numerous times. After I divorced his cheating ass, a year later I got an email from him apologizing for cheating, because a girl he was with cheated on him (ironically, he was with his baby mama, and cheating on her with the woman who he found out was cheating on him- that might be a lot to

I’m sure there will be albums worth of material. A lot of country music is about wearing jeans and drinking beers near bodies of water. Actual drama is like a double album waiting to happen.

I think he’ll die out before 2016 though, and it helps shed more light on how the Republicans are suffering from the monster it created. Maybe it’ll help push the GOP towards the center so they start working with others on real issues like the gender pay gap, immigration reform, and fixing defense procurement. Or

Jon Stewart works for Comedy Central. Not “Get Things Done” Central.

I’m afraid that’s exactly what they’re doing. At this rate, it might seem like Scott Walker is a moderate candidate and then we’ll really be screwed.

Trump’s horribleness is only distracting us from the real issues. Namely that all of the other republican candidates are equally repulsive, if not more so. Donny just pukes his nonsense the loudest.

If he doesn’t I will.

Those in the GOP condemning Trump celebrated when war hero John Kerry was ‘swift boated” by Bush during the presidential campaign. So, they should shut the fuck up about their fake patriotism.

I’m no fan of John McCain, but Trump received three deferments (see rich man excuse) until he finally was declared 4F for what he himself described as “bone spurs” last weekend. What he said about McCain again proves he is a piece of shit of the highest order and I hope he stays in until the bitter end and wrecks the

The other Republicans are trying to catch up. Today Lindsey Graham compared President Obama to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, a man famous for his “appeasement” of Hitler.

They are now 1 short step from calling Obama Hitler. Charlie Rose’s reaction was appropriately incredulous. Here is the

I...disagree. While Trump is an amusing sideshow, he’s also a distraction from real issues. There’s no way I’m voting republican, but by letting Trump blather on —-people who are serious candidates don’t get as much attention.

and adam levine is starting to look like charlie day.
