
This isn’t technically a blackout story, but here goes. Was in Jamaica in 1998 (this is important later) with a girlfriend staying at one of those “all inclusive” places-all you can eat food AND drink. Anyway, we were laying on the lounges pretty close to the water all morning and into the afternoon, drinking the rum

do you ri-ri

1) that was proven to not actually have happened. The IRS went after both political spectrums alike.

There. fixed that headline for you

I hope someone files a defamation suit.

He sounds terrifying. I don't understand how he found someone to marry him.

According to a new report from Huffington Post, the nonprofit who released the video may have “deceived” the IRS about its mission.

Is this guy gay?

I went to high school with someone who is part of Operation Rescue and has done work for CMP. He’s blocked from my newsfeed on FB, but shows up still on comments. He’s a racist, classist, homophobic POS pastor in FL (of course). He regularly calls for the deaths of those who disagree with his baby saving mission.

Best thing to do is slam the rock back down with all your might, again and again, until the crunching and squishing and screaming noises stop.

Thou shall not have choice over you own body must have been somewhere in 11-15.

These groups never fare well whentheir rock is lifted.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, unless thy neighbor distributes whore pills and free mammograms to sluts, in which case all bets are off.

Remember nothing is more important than foetal life.

I can’t believe this has to be a thing in the 21st Century.

What?! These people are LIARS? COLOR ME SHOCKED.


Not lying is a Commandment. Incredible how they claim to do these things in the name of God and yet fail to uphold the very basic principles of which Christianity was founded on. Frauds, liars, charlatans and grifters.

Oh this should be fun. Cannot wait to see wht other shady stuff might be uncovered.