
It’s really weird that nobody else seem to get this. I guess nobody who has seen the episode in the Jezebel office was available to report on the tweet?

Because the effects of the hormones are localized, many people do not experience hormonal symptoms. Life on the pill was misery for me. It turned me into monster. I feel nothing with Mirena, and I no longer have periods. It vastly improved my life!

the struggle is real

I got my Skyla two days ago and the whole thing was SUPER easy. It hurt for like 5 seconds while it was going in and that was it. I had cramps for about 5 hours, not nearly the worst I’ve ever had and they went away with some advil. My cervix felt... sensitive, I guess? for the rest of the day. But by the next morning

She’s a comedian...pegging was a giant joke on her show this season. I don’t think it’s serious.

THIS. Hormones are a no go for me but there is no way on Pluto’s heart butt that I could endure heavier periods and more painful cramping than I already do.

My doctor sort of tucked the ends of the strings up behind my cervix after I told her my dude was getting poked, so it was more like a loop. It seemed to help.

IUDs and implants are considered “LARC” birth control or “long acting reversible contraception”. Perhaps the intent was to convey that LARCs are the most effective with a higher effectiveness than tubal ligation even.

You’ll be fine!! Just breathe and try to think about something else - good luck!

The strings on my IUD are pretty long and are curled up around the cervix so that I can’t imagine them poking anyone - and my partner has never felt them. Everyone always suggests getting them trimmed if the strings are felt by your partner, but to me that seems like it would just make them pokier. I guess this is why

Props for the Minor Threat reference.

Gotta love when they hide the 40s in their ultra baggy 90’s skater pants.

god damn that couch scene. I was very involved in the NYC rave scene at this same time, and that scene stuck a “wow this is too close to home” cord with me at that time.

I had the same reservations about Spring Breakers, but was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed it!

Me too. I was 14 and I saw it in a theatre with my cool older cousin who would bring me to adult movies. Half the crowd left within the first 20 minutes.

I remember my stepdad renting it from Blockbuster along with a couple of other titles, and I hid it in my room until it was time to return the videos. I was 16, lived in NYC and had mentioned to my folks that I was acquainted with some of the cast. I was convinced if my parents ever saw it, they’d never let me out of

To me, the 90’s were the last decade to have a distinct feel to it. Mention the aughts, and nothing really comes to mind. I guess that’s the first sign that I’m an old.

FWIW, a lot of kids were killing themselves with drugs, getting AIDS and raping each other. There’s a reason a lot of the cast died shitty deaths... because the movie was true to life. A lot of really bad things were happening under the radar.

I saw this at 13 and, as a young suburban kid with really overprotective parents, my mind was totally blown. I used a condom in every sexual encounter because of that movie! Scared the shit out of me!

Kids was TWENTY years ago?! Gawd, why do the 90s always seem like just the last decade to me? Oh that’s right, I’m an old.