
Definitely not funny.

I kinda think that’s hilarious, tbh.

There’s nothing wrong with shampooing your pubic hair. Hell, condition it if you want! But it’s not a good idea to put shampoo or soap on the mucous membranes within your labia. There are several reasons. That area of your body is full of glands that produce oily secretions that keep that skin healthy and at the

If I have a bush out of pure laziness and because Fellow is 3000 miles away, can I call myself cool and trendy? Please?

It’s also said that she was used to “entertain” foreign investors, and that after she married Ronnie was totally jealous of Jane Wyman.

She’s retired and has moved into other fields. You should definitely check out Stoya’s blog. She talks a lot about feminism and the porn industry there.

More. This. More of this type of comment. Please.

I love celebrity gossip, and it’s said that in her day Nancy Reagan gave “the best head in Hollywood.”

Hah. It’s mutual!

It’s more often little girls who can have serious problems with bubble baths, all because of this issue with mucous membranes. If you’re not having problems, go for it! If you notice anything unusual, that’d be the first thing to discontinue to see if it resolves.

It is not good hygiene to use soap inside of your labia. Please do not do this. Soap is only appropriate on the external parts of your vulva. By all means clean the external skin of your labia majora and your pubic hair (if applicable). Use only warm water and if necessary, gentle scrubbing with a washcloth to clean

Interesting. Never even considered bubble baths. I guess that applies to all bath adulterants, like oils and bath bombs?

Once I left a comment describing the vagina as a self cleaning oven, and someone replied and got really pedantic about that couldn’t be technically accurate because of the mechanics of how a self cleaning oven actually works. It was... weird.

Who are these people that routinely have this problem? Wash yourself. If you smell, get that checked out and treated cause that does not seem normal.

Isn’t Oprah’s greatest legacy explaining to everyone that the vagina is a “self-cleaning oven”?

“Dr. Sten Vermund” sounds like the name of the Harvey Korman character in a Mel Brooks movie. Also, I make a point to keep phthlates way-away from the va-jay-jay

I thought everyone in the world knew at this point that douching was bad.

My Child My Choice!