
Scientology is like your immature ex, who trashes you to everyone after you break up with them for being such a dick.

Oh, Miscavige.

You were. I have a friend who worked for the company who told me that - much like the other extracurriculars discussed - attending Landmark events was not mandatory, but nobody advanced to management level without taking them.

scientology is like if mean girls and jonestown had a baby.

The Kinja giveth and the Kinja taketh away.

Agreed. Also I think she’s underrated as a comedic actor. Her timing on “King of Queens” is impeccable. Anyone who says otherwise needs to go lick a donut.

I was really sad when I found out that Beck was a scientologist.


So Landmark is basically Scientology minus the thetans and all the crazy alien shit, right?

The stupid sunscreen thing printed on the bags reminds me of the first time I saw one of the bags, and the expression that jumped out at me was “Children are the orgasm of life.”

Especially because they have a rep for blackmailing and threatening people into keeping mouths shut.

Seriously, good for her. It is super super hard to get out of a cult and to not only do that but then talk about it publicly is a giant fuck you. Nicely done Leah.

The same way you combine any of Ayn Rand’s philosophies re: sex/relationships with the Christian right-wingers that cite her as an inspiration: Professional Cognitive Dissonance. I think they’re starting a league.

This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


Did Wal-Mart start that with their "associates"? Because, you know, nothing says "colleagues in business" like you earning minimum wage and the Waltons being the richest family in the US.

They go together like peas and guacamole.

How in the everloving fuck does one combine the principles of yoga with the philosophy of Ayn Rand? I am trying hard to think of two things in the universe more diametrically opposed, and I am coming up with nothing.

Our job is to educate people on the technical features and functions of the garments and empower the guests to make their own choice.