
Shoefunk, get thee to a behavioral medicine clinic as soon as possible, please. Your panic disorder, especially since you are a teen, does not have to become permanent. I got over one when I was 20 because of some bleeding-edge short-term treatment I received within a few weeks of the first incident. That was almost

I smoke it because of my anxiety. Yes you need to Know what your smoking. Indica’s= mellow, Sativa’s= anxiety for me lol. On top of that I'm a recovering alcoholic, the weed has saved my life.

Its entire culture is so boring to me. Getting high itself is just cotton mouth and paranoia. I understand that its SUPER AWESOME MAN to a lot of people, but I would rather just get drunk.

Controversial opinion: weed isn’t nearly as interesting as people think it is.

I was going to score some marijuana from my FIL to take to the Rush concert on Friday, but now I’m not sure - will that make me look uncool?

you “do” you? (like Lena?)

The entire problem with America today can be traced directly back to the lax immigration policies of the Native Americans.

Seeing as I live 30 minutes away from Arkansas and have been hearing about Huckabee for a long, long time, I don’t remember when he was painted as one of the good ones. He’s always been a hyper-religious bigot and ultra conservative.

Schrodinger’s Immigrant. I’ve never heard it called that, and I’m glad that today I did. That’s absolutely the perfect analogy. Wow.

Schrodinger’s Immigrant. That is fucking brilliant. I’m totally stealing this.

not bleak at all

We can’t let so many unskilled people come to this country, but someone needs to pick all this fruit. Got it.

“Theses lazy, drug-addicted, illiterate criminals are coming over here and stealing american jobs! And since I’m not qualified to do anything that a lazy, drug-addicted, illiterate criminal could do, that impacts me directly!”

there is nothing i love more than the fact that the RNC has completely lost control of this rapidly sinking ship

illegal immigration leads to a “bad element” coming into the country

I always love the invocation of Schrodinger’s Immigrant: “them illegals stealing our jobs while they sit around on welfare popping out anchor babies.”

Indeed. That is the face of uncontrollable misery.