
First of all, why are we sleeping near wood ants?

I can’t see Bear Grylls without thinking of this <- video clip from very underrated British comedy/impersonation sketch show called VIPs (I think.)

It’s like going on Naked and Afraid and saying “I really don’t want to be naked.” Or going on Amazing Race and claiming you are scared of heights. I mean, have you watched the show before? You’re going to be eating bugs, girl.

Thank you for volunteering! Most of the picketers are probably benign, but you never know when some crazy will show up.

Every woman I know who was pressured to have an abortion (whether she did or not) was pressured by someone who was “pro-life.” I wonder how common that is.

I’ve done it several times at a clinic in the Deep South (not far from the Pink House pictured above — haaaaayyy, y’all! :)). It’s pretty easy to ignore the protesters because they spew so goddamn much nonsense.

I had a meniscus repair on my right knee 14 years ago that did horrible things to my gait and the alignment of my leg. I regret that surgery. I ended up with an ugly bunion on my right foot and ended up having to have knee replacement surgery anyway. I still have the ugly ass bunion.

The only thing I regret is playing it so fast and loose with my contraception. Going through an abortion is awful, even when you know you want it.

Back when the Texas legislature was debating their 2013 TRAP bill, there was a live feed of people testifying before or against the bill. I watched for a few hours, and every single woman testifying in favor of it mentioned being forced to have an abortion. Women that had had abortions testified on both sides, but all

I’ve had life altering surgery, I don’t regret it. I made a suicide attempt that I don’t regret because I was unsuccessful. What I do regret is eating arena nachos at a Rob Zombie/Ozzy concert to this very day. Three worst days of my life.

Also no regrets over here. It was a hard decision, especially since I was with a partner I was committed to (we’re still together, three years later) and we both want children one day. There have been many times since where I have been so grateful to be childless, and never once have I ever stopped during my day and

Yeah. A certain percentage of married people get divorced.

Yeah. If I could bring a flamethrower I would so be up for it.

43 years old, going through a nasty divorce, working two jobs....and whoops! BC failure and I’m 6 weeks knocked up....making the phone call to schedule a medical abortion today was a no brainer and one I will definitely not regret. I almost hope protesters harass me....I can give as good as I get....

Even in the hardest moments of trying and failing at getting pregnant in the past year I have never once regretted the abortion I had 8 years ago. Not even for a millisecond.

Every time I see a picture like the one above I go the PP website to see about becoming a clinic escort, but reading the job description about being able to deal with picketers in a “calm, non-confrontational manner” always brings me back to reality. I’d want to fucking punch them all, at the very least. My greatest

But if we don’t shame women for having control over their reproductive choices, how will women know how much less-than-human they are? Jeez, THANKS, SCIENCE!

Zero regret. Senior year in college, married with a 2 year old (planned, born a year and half after the wedding) and then a pregnancy as a result of failed contraceptive. We had gone through pre-marital counseling ANNDD, get this, AND family planning counseling at Planned Parenthood (cuz they do that!) and agreed that

In other news- water is wet, and the sky is blue, and pro-lifers are full of horseshit.

go the fuck home, Pam.