
Yeeeap. I have really weird shaped feet, so usually if I find heels that fit in the toes and that I can walk in, they slip in the heel. Those gel heel sticky things are the greatest.

Those adhesive-backed silicone heel pads are GREAT for shoes that’re just a little too big or slip in the heel area for whatever reason.

I hate my neighbors, too. I hate your neighbors for being like my neighbors. Mine have drunken tearful fights IN THE STREET under my window at 2 AM like nobody in the world has to get up and go to work ever. I have another one who smokes weed and cigarettes and the smoke blows up into my apartment as does the

My friend tried to pull this, however, not only was it a destination wedding, but the wedding party (ie the people who are supposed to plan and run the stage and doe) was only myself as the maid of honour and a best man who was MIA. On top of that the other wedding events, ie. bachelorette and bridal showers were not

I had an emotionally abusive boyfriend in college, and when I finally realized I needed to break up with him, the knowledge that none of my friends of family liked him or trusted him was huge in giving me the courage to end it. Even if she can’t see it now, being there for her and letting her know (gently! don’t end

I’m so sorry that this happened/is happening to your friend. Your instincts sound spot on re: his classic abuser behavior. I’ve been down this road with my only sibling, my sister. She used to call me crying, hysterically recounting the fight she and her boyfriend had just had and how he had hit her or in some way

No, no and more no. You are fabulous end of story. If you want to lose weight for yourself I can easily tell you how I lost 40lbs: go to a nutritionist/dietician. First, paying someone $ makes you take it more seriously. Second, she really helped me meal plan and learn how to make smart choices and prioritize. Third,

I’m about to kill my husband. He’s so incredibly... unaware, clueless, unobservant. I left his dishes out, didn’t clean them like I usually do, to see if he would eventually clean them. Nope. I couldn’t let them sit for more than 3 days. I put a cigarette butt on the rim of the bathroom sink and he left it there like

I fucking hate all my neighbors. Last night I was woken up at 2am by the guy behind and over one house reving his motorcycle and honking the horn. That went on for almost 10 min. And the pyro neighbor has been burning thru his 4th of July fireworks stash every night since. I wouldn’t mind so much if they were the

You guys. I’ve never done a SNS. And maybe I shouldn’t now. I think maybe my post will be too self absorbed, or pathetic, or something. And anyways, I’m a gray, so maybe no one will read/respond anyways. But. That said.

Don’t look for trouble where there is none! Enjoy life as it is right now!

How big is the town you live in? If it’s big enough, there might be some groups of interest on Meetup you could join.

For the first time in a while, I feel really happy. I love my job, I’m back home with my family for the summer, and I’m planning a family vacation to Seattle. I’m kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Met a man during my recent trip to Austin, TX. He lives in Nebraska and I live in California. We had an “epic” (sorry, but it fits) 12-hour date that lasted into the wee hours before we both had to catch our flight. We’ve been texting and calling nearly daily since end of May. He told me today that he’s looking for

How I feel about all of you. Have a great rest of the weekend everyone :)

After 9 long years, I finally got my drivers license! Now to celebrate by staying home all week and never even touching the car keys. !

Awwwww. One of my pups, Buster, is absolutely amazing at sensing when I’m upset. He’s not at all a lap dog and he hates being carried (he’s only 14 pounds, but he’s a BIG DOG, and he will thank you not to forget it), but he can always tell when I’m upset, and he always comes running to curl up on my lap. And sometimes

Since so many of us are enjoying vitamin W on this Saturday night, let’s talk about dry rosé. I am loving the Spanish ones esp. Gran Feudo, but are there others worthwhile trying?

I’m spending a lot of time with my cousin’s family. They were estranged for a while because of friction better his wife and mother (my aunt). We’re repairing that rift. I like my cousin’s wife and daughters. They are nice girls and smart. I’m upset with my aunt because she doesn’t love these girls as much as she loves