
Check the library. It’s where I get all my shame reading.

I have bipolar disorder too and have been on medication for about eight years now. I take Lamictal which has worked REALLY well for the mood swings and mania, but it’s never helped my depression so I have to be on an anti-depressant too. I’ve tried over 20 and have never found one that I loved. I really liked Effexor

Actually, yeah. Not like right that week but a year or so later we broke up, and that trip might well have figured prominently in to the knock-down drag-out arguments discussions leading up to that decision. You don’t even know the half of the shit that idiotic man-child pulled after we returned. Apparently this

In the early 1990s, my crazy then-husband decided we would get filthy fucking rich by going to Japan and teaching English. We were Pentecostal (he was a lay preacher) so my input was not required in this decision, but I was okay with it. We went to Japan on our own, went totally broke and ran up all the credit cards

You are doing this exactly right.

I too have a crappy relationship with my parents. I deal with it by having contact with them on my terms as much as possible. If they call and I don’t feel like dealing with them I let it go to voicemail. We’re not a stop-by randomly kind of family so I don’t have to deal with that. When I do have to see them because

My 5 year old has been singing “America!Fuck Yeah!” ALL.DAY.LONG. Now he’s added an interpretive dance. So, I feel like I'm pretty good at this parenting thing.

I don’t have anything profound to add other than that I am sorry you are dealing with that. I think that, ultimately, you have to do the things that make you happiest. It’s undeniably shitty, but if your parents make you feel badly about yourself then you have to make a decision that will lead you to your best life.

That sounds extremely manipulative and shady. Try not to feel guilty.

On Gawker, 364 days out of the year, the only correct attitude is a groveling sort of self loathing about how we live in the most debased, despicable country in the history of civilization. I’m shocked this whole thread didn’t turn into a diatribe about the foulness of this hell spot we call America. If you give it a

Please don’t feel guilty. You did what you needed to do at the time. Maybe you can have a relationship with her again, maybe not.

I agree and I also don’t like the word proud. I love America (I’m an American without citizenship). But I think one can love one’s country without having to always think excessively highly of it.

My mother completely ruined my holiday weekend.

Fuck Scalia’s Argle-Bargle.

They have a weird tradition in Mackinac island where if you build a cairn and make a wish, it’s supposed to come true.

Because I can say Fuck You and Your Argle-Bargle, Scalia and not get sent to the gulag.

That is one STAUNCH CHARACTER right there!

Because, as someone who has lived in seven different states, and three different countries, and who has been living abroad for seven years, and who has come to appreciate my wonderful, terrible, beautiful imperfect country, I treasure my two months home in the summer, and shed a tear when I land in Charlotte, which I

Blueberry pie. It’s why I am proud to be an American.

Because our women’s national soccer team kicks ass.