
There was just a similar videographer case here. They explicitly told the couple why they wouldn’t work with them and did apologize (sorrynotsorry) that their beliefs wouldn’t let them work together. Even as a staunch ally, I am dumbfounded that the videographer didn’t just say “sorry I’m booked that weekend". I know

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

I’ve begun to notice that a lot of people railing against this ruling seem to have a fucked up mental picture of a “gay wedding cake” being covered in Gay Pride flags and dicks/vaginas and stuff.

Why on earth make it ruinous to break the law, why! Why. I'm stomping and everything.

For any who think this is a First Amendment issue:

That buzzing you hear is the sound of 10,000,000 conservatives getting outrage boners.

Operating a business in the public sphere means you agree to comply with anti-discrimination laws. Nobody forced the business owners to do that.

Everyone knows the Bible says love thy neighbor, as long as they’re not a dirty homo.

Cheers is great! There is a bar in my neighborhood almost exactly like it. Not so much the decor, but the regulars with their regular seats and no one thinks it’s weird that all these people are constantly daydrinking. I love it.

Yes! I was too young for Cheers originally, but I love watching it on Hulu. Holds up well for a 90s kid.

Cheers, huh?

Great point. Why does Kosta Boda largely just put a label on it instead of etch the bottom? It seems so odd.

Here is the deal. As unpleasant as this is, as an LA resident who saw the KNBC piece, what was really ridiculous was when Dita whatever said she says no smoking in her ad, but that the No Smoking sign on her street does not apply to her because she lives on private property. The campsite is surrounded by very dry,

“Somebody’s doing the fucking.”

My BF lives in a little house in the Hollywood Hills, part of a complex of apartments and cabins built in the 1930s as a hotel and converted to regular rentals. The new owner has been harassing/neglecting the tenants to get them annoyed enough to move out, and converting their places into Air B$Bs, so what was once a

Now playing

This is what I think of every time I hear someone say “doing sex”:

When my mother died we put her house on the market. Because the town I grew up in is apparently Mayberry RFD the house was left wide open and the realty company just gave prospective buyers directions to the house and didn’t bother to accompany them. My siblings were fine with this. I asked them, “DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY

the monsters are due on Joan Didion Way or whatever the fuck they call streets up there

Either worrying, or hoping.