
Strangely enough though, the only thing that’s been shown to effectively convince anti-vaxxers is a close and positive relationship with their primary care provider, and persistent, gentle discussion. Overwhelming data doesn’t do a lick of good. in fact, it can further entrench them (mind-boggling, I know).

Exactly. If I’m a lying shill, why would I vaccinate my own baby?

Really creeped out but still has to be nice face. I recognize it.

No. This is not something like whether or not eggs are good for you or whether or not you should do cardio instead of strength-training or vice versa. There is no reasonable opposition to vaccination that has science behind it. This is not a situation where there are “two sides.” The medical community agrees that

Simple. It’s a risk-benefit analysis. If there is a statistically insignificant chance that something might be harmful, but a much greater chance that something will be beneficial, then you do the thing that is beneficial. It’s not about playing any sort of game or ignoring side effects. It’s about using logic,

He was warmly welcomed in Chicago today:

I think they do. I have known someone who was injured by a vaccine. I also read a Slate article a while back by a mother whose son had a very, very rare and weird side effect from the mumps/rubella vaccine. That all being said, we should still vaccinate our kids. The chances of your kid getting vaccine injured is

One of my shameful secrets is that I would totally do Rick Perry, with or without glasses.

Her inner monologue:

This face is the face of a woman that is so unbelievably creeped out that she’s contemplating smashing her chair against the face of the toupeed douchebag skeezeball next to her.

he will blame wind and women

Our pediatrician’s website states in BOLD letters that if you plan to opt out of vaccines, you are not allowed to be a patient at their practice due to health safety for all other patients.

Place your bets now on Trump’s response:

What a week its been. So many racists, bigots, and other hateful people being called out on their problems.

If it helps you to feel any better (about the vaccination issue, I mean) I am a nurse and have been an occasional fill-in camp or school nurse on several occasions during my career. I also happen to have several friends who are pediatricians, and the parents of a few of my daughter’s friends are pediatricians. Every

“I dislike Katy Perry randomly as much as the next person” All the stars for you.