
Australia’s finest export. She’s been iconic for a while but not quite in the league (yet) of the Holy Trinity you listed. Sad to say, Grace may be getting kicked up to the Hall of Fame but taken out of rotation. (i’m sure i said this before but i love your screen name. you need a good catalog product for your avi.)

Wait, what? I’ve seen Kylie referred to as a gay icon for around 15 years now, and her audience at any concert is at least 70% gay men.

Not to mention admonishing everybody for calling her out on her shit after spending the last 6 years villifying and slut shaming (literally) every woman and girl who had sex before marriage. She really is a piece of work.

Yes, but who’s the father?

I had SO MANY SELF RIGHTEOUS born-again high school friends who were against pre-marital sex. Except when they did it it was okay because it was Twu Wuv and they were for sure going to marry him so it’s almost not even pre-marital sex, right?

That’s because the party of “personal responsibility” is actually the party of “personally, I feel that everyone else is responsible for everything wrong with the world so shape up, guys.” They shortened it because it’s catchier.

As a former Marine, I’ll have you know that’s called, “basic training.”

She really is her mother’s daughter.

Yep, like her mother she is a pathological liar.

I’m mostly just amused at how angry she is that the rest of the world doesn’t realize it’s DIFFERENT when she has sex outside of marriage. Yes, she’s spent a lot of time, and earned a lot of money, telling other women it’s a horrible sin and they’re going to hell if they ever do it, but it’s just not FAIR that other

That always amuses me no end. “Swearing is a terrible sin, so I will never do it! Instead, I will substitute a few symbols for letters in common swear words, because I believe the god I worship is so stupid he doesn’t understand what I’m really saying.”

Slightly fresher:

I mean she literally made a quarter of a million dollars with her abstinence-only speeches. So yeah, dollar signs seem appropriate. She has a lot of dollars.

This chick is incapable of owning her shit. It’s pathological. Media got it wrong? It’s literally right there in black and white, Bristol.

Stop explaining yourself, Bristol. We don’t care that you’re having another baby out of wedlock! Honest! You do you. I was more concerned with the fact that the birth announcement literally made it sound like you just found out you have terminal cancer.

It’s sure a good thing she used all those dollar-signs, otherwise she would have said “Assholes”.

Me, IRL:

Palin recently broke off a two-month engagement with a guy named Dakota Meyer after tabloids reported that he had something called a “secret wife.