
My dad’s been like “well YOU didn’t call either”. What the everloving fuck. You’re the parent and you went away.

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.


The look of love and pride on Kate’s face as she’s looking at her brother is freaking adorable.

Here’s the thing about being the child of a parent who abandons you, and then subsequently the child of a loving stepparent: IT’S NOT THE KID’S FAULT THAT YOU LEFT AND SOMEONE ELSE WANTED TO LOVE THEM. My own mother is super bitter about the acknowledgment my stepmother gets on Mother’s Day, but you know what? If you

like this?

So the easiest advice that I can give you dovetails with what someone just said - join and see if you can find a group of people with common interests as yours. Worst case scenario, you join a singles group and see what happens.

Time for a glass of Whine: I live in a place with one downstairs studio and one upstairs apt (me). The cute downstairs guy is traveling for 2 weeks and has sublet his place to people who have already, on day 1:

My son doesn’t complain, but he also wouldn’t. One thing I left out is that he has a behavior disorder and a social delay. Emotionally he’s more like a three or four year old. That being said, I see the ways he really tries with these kids and they just flat out ignore him. He tells them the rules about things like

For the everyday behavioral stuff, like swinging on the fence or teasing each other, have you tried using your Mom Voice? You know the one. Kind, but firm and direct. (“Jack, don’t swing on the fence. It might break. I don’t want you getting hurt.”)

Thanks! I just needed to vent. I feel like I can’t talk to my friends as much about the issue. Most of them don’t know about my lack of degree. I feel like I would get seriously judged, most of them have or are pursuing Masters.

Ugh, I’m totally in the same boat. The biggest problem I have with (first) dates I think is that you’re not usually DOING anything... just staring at each other trying to make a conversation.

That’s tough. I remember my mom dealing with neighborhood kids with a similar issue (the kids were close to my brother’s age, I was older and didn’t play with them). My mom never talked to their mother or grandmother because she saw that it wouldn’t actually help. A kid getting hit for doing something wrong wasn’t

I do. The rules/regs around babies (SAG) are incredibly strict so I don’t think you would be putting your kid in any unfortunate situation. He’s just a baby so I don’t think him being in a couple of commercials is going to warp his self-image. Stash the pay in a savings account. At the first notice it starts getting

Then in that case, I wouldn’t say anything to them and you probably totally have the right idea about talking to a therapist because those kinds of secrets just ooze their way out somehow and you don’t need to go share it with people who know your partner socially or be forced to hang onto it yourself. Good luck!

I’m not allergic to mold, but I still got sick when we had a mold problem and the landlord was too cheap to do the right thing. I went to the city and she ended up having to spend even more in the long term, and she still hasn’t had the other affected apartments checked for mold, because no one has made her. I’m still

Hey Jezzies. I’m in super frustrated mode. I lost my job in March and have been on the hunt ever since. I keep getting interviews, but haven’t locked anything down yet. I have a part time gig, but its not enough to pay the bills.

I’m not sure if I’ll get out of the greys, but if anyone sees this, I’d love some advice! My problem is this: I left an awful abusive relationship some time ago, I’ve done my work on myself, and now I would really like a partner again. I’m fine on my own on the day-to-day, but don’t really want this to be a “forever”

Yeah, that’s my fear. We’ve kept in occasional email contact over the years (out of a sense of guilty obligation on my part) but I’ve staunchly refused to meet up with her because she makes me so upset and confused and frightened. Talking to her on the phone was a big and difficult step for me and I don’t want her to

Just be careful about getting sucked back into your mother’s orbit now that she’s sick. Before I cut off contact with my mother I went to another state to tend to her after her cancer surgery along with my three kids under five because there was no one to leave them with. The trip involved a flight, again with three