
Yesterday I was driving along a country-ish two-lane highway (so, nowhere to pass for about 15km) and this dude in his old Hyundai kept tailing me and backing off. There were several cars ahead so I dunno was he thought that would accomplish.

I just had three days of pure exhaustion. I drove 8 hours to visit one of my best friends who I haven’t seen in two years, and she’s had two kids since I last saw her. It was time.

Has anyone experienced hair loss while breastfeeding? My hair is just falling off like crazy and the all natural shampoo for hair loss doesn’t seem to help. At this rate I’ll go bald. Any suggestions?

I went to a club last night and tried to learn line dancing and it was just about the most perfect place: dim lights, cracked chairs, everybody two amazing. The whole place was celebrating marriage equality and it felt great to be there! Problem is the two colleagues I went with turned out to be SUPER

Happy Saturday! I am very happy to be part of the world this week when so many historical and culture-shifting moments have happened. I saw photographs that will become iconic images. I watched confederate flags come down. I cried with my sister when her partner of 12 years asked for her hand in marriage yesterday

Also, “Nazi Pinterest” sounds like the premise for a great comedy skit.

I’m 27, but in terms of life experience and capacity to adult, I’m about 15.

Thanks for all of your replies last week (pregnant daughter). Cooling off and thinking about it plus putting myself in her shoes was the right call. She wants to keep the baby and I will have to live with that decision.

Oh dear Lord I just realized how creepy this post must sound. I’m a happily married gay male. I was just wondering about the age demographics of you all. And I don’t work in marketing; this is just for my own private amusement.

You are not a coward. You don’t need to put yourself or your future in harm’s way to be a “good” LGBTQI person. Do what’s best for you and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re a bad person because of it. Be kind to yourself. I’ve been there, being queer and dealing with shitty family, and it sucks. Try not to make

You’re not a coward. You do what you need to when you need to, for your own safety, security, and peace of mind. I wish you the very best.

I don’t think it’s cowardly to keep news you know will be disagreed with from people you’re financially dependent upon. Is there any chance your parents might suprise you and be accepting? It's different when it's your own kid sometimes.

I'm watching the Trailblazer Awards on Logo and crying happy tears for my gay friends. I'm so happy things have changed so much in my lifetime. That is all.

You’re not a coward. That’s called survival and it’s 100% your right to keep that to yourself for self-preservation.

Have you ever gone to It helped me soo much when that shit happened to me.

So, this has been a shitty week. I’m almost entirely estranged from my mother because she was abusive, and I have a lot of complex feelings about her, and even speaking to her tends to give me panic attacks and weepy fits for days afterwards. This week she rang me to say that she has cancer, and even though everything

Been trying to live more honestly. I’ve been working up the courage to come out, but yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling just reminded me that both my parents are pretty homophobic. (My mother actually pulled the “think of the children” card which I thought was only a meme, not a thing people said in real life).

What a great fucking week. I hope everyone is having an equally lovely weekend!

It’s hard to write but I found if I have a word goal per day it helps. It has helped me on a big writing project I did in November. I was able to finish it. Having a set time to write can also help.

I’d feel the exact same way in your position. Pamper yourself a little extra this weekend and remind yourself of how awesome you are.