
Also, these hashtags are everything.

Sign should read: My grandpappy took up arms against the Union and all I got is this lousy flag.

Dude, come on.

They don’t carry Swasticas

Gee, it’s almost like religion is a huge and multifaceted system that means different things to different people.

oh fuck off.

And the courage, to climb up a 30 foot pole with wire cutters, and coming back down in the face of a bunch of angry people.

Aww. More white fragility butthurt. I’m tempted to photoshop this to read “Great Grandpa took a bullet for slavery”.

Well, if they have charged her, she won’t have to ever pay bail or legal fees because this is already happening. He is only one of many who have offered.

Genuinely teared up watching this video as she started quoting scripture. You’re a hero, Bree.

They put it back up. The state law requires the flag to be flying, so that’s that.

That woman is a goddamn hero and a complete badass. South Carolina, stop being an embarrassment and take down that flag.

Can we also talk about that smile in the pictures? It’s everything I tell you!

I am disgusted they then put it right back up. WTF south carolina?!

from Ava DuVernay:

Can we get a movement going to remove the confederate memorial from the state capitol grounds? It’s absurd that directly next to a U.S. government building there is a memorial honoring an army that tried to splinter that union in the name of protecting slavery. You don't see a Nazi Memorial in Berlin next to the

My mother was 41 when I was born. And I’m pretty much perfect. ;)

Ha! I’m at 33 weeks now and sometime around month 4 said to my husband, “Why on earth would someone do this more than once?” People only talk about morning sickness (and it’s usually a punchline or joke.) I couldn’t believe the insane fatigue I felt in the beginning. At the moment, the heartburn, constipation, and

My husband suggested that we wait until Lena Dunham could get married before we did but I was like “nah”.

I hated being pregnant worse than anything in my life. It actually boggles my mind how people could *not* hate it. Literally the only good part for me was the kicks, but that wasn’t nearly enough to make it enjoyable.