
I'm going to yoga tomorrow! I went once before but it was a mostly seated class. Going to a harder vinyasa class tomorrow!!! I'm sure I'll be limited in what I can do still but I can stand and balance now so it'll feel good to be back!!

I spent about an hour prepping food so now I can just toss stuff together all week. I made:

Holy Moses. I have no real advice but do you watch Orange is the New Black? There is a moment in this season where one inmate tells another that the best thing she probably did for her children was aborting them. Whatever happens, I hope she hears you with open ears. Good luck.

So after a brief, intense relationship I’ve decided to take my dating scene in a different direction and am now dating three different guys, with a few more people on the radar. So far so good—I’ve got a dude for every mood and am thoroughly enjoying the sexual variety. Honestly, I feel a bit like a queen with a harem

I think you should tell her to get an abortion.

YOU GUUUUYZ!! After my hair falling out due to my accident, and being holed up recovering for MONTHS, I finally had a solo girly day! Got my hair done, eyebrows waxed, and went to Sephora. Plus I did it all driving myself and WALKING without crutches!!! Feels good to be doing the everyday things I was missing out on

I don’t think you can push it but her mother ans you should bot mention it and hell make her watch teen mom to see what being a parent is really about.

Actually, no: the two things are independent of each other. No one is under any obligation to forgive anyone else, nor does forgiving mean saying “please, come back and shit all over my life again.”

Why should she apologize for him being a shitty father? Did you not read the horrible things he said to her? Why is that on her?

Exactly!!! “Hey,, how do you deal with a woman who has issues because her dad withheld his love and neglected her emotionally?" “Why, you withhold your love and neglect her emotionally. Duh.”

Actually that’s the core issue with most people’s issues when dealing with relationships.

How can you love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first?

You have to get comfortable with yourself, and make sure that whomever you find doesn’t “complete” you because that is dumb, you can’t say that “I’m nothing without

Funny how the type of dudes worried about dating chicks with daddy issues are never the types to worry about giving their daughter daddy issues.

Your ex-husband’s an asshole.

Thanks for this essay. I hate the way some guys fling around “Daddy Issues” to explain women’s reasonable responses to selfish or inconsiderate behavior, i.e. “home 1 minute late” is “home an hour you agreed you’d help do this household task.”

My ex husband is similar. Less drunk, but chock full of anger and resentment towards myself and our daughter. He even wants a chance at adopting his grand daughter, because “he didn’t have a chance to bring her up (my daughter) with morals and principles, and he wants a chance to show what sort of child he could

Does anybody remember the now-so-irrelevant-it’s-defunct StumbleUpon? You should read their reviews of Very aptly stated. I feel sorry for the younger folk because they are too young to remember when these types of sites were ridiculed mercilessly. The early aughts were much more fun and accurate wrt

Excellent post. Good for you. It IS so freeing when you can dump all the detritus right back where it belongs.

You don’t have daddy just have an asshole for a daddy.

I learned early that sometimes the people who are supposed to take care of you will leave you. That’s not a complex, that’s a fact.