
drunk texting. story of my life

Possibly sulfates/sulfites/sulfur?

This is totally the Duggar’s fault. I would say that I have the same number of friends as before who are childless and like it that way, but there is definitely an uptick of people having 3 and 4. It used to be (back in the good old days aka the ‘90s) that you had 2 kids on purpose, and if there was a third one it was

Looked like good ol’ Ann Perkins to me!


I just turned 35 and literally just learned how to hit my perfect amount of drunkenness in the last few months. For me, it’s cutting out shots that finally did it. (It’s so obvious, but once I get going, I tend to build up speed until I’m buying everyone shots and telling them how much I love them. They don’t call me

Lol if you're 30 and so drunk that your mouth can't find the straw, then alcohol is no longer a lubricant, it's a band aid for some terrible emotional boo boo. Or fucked up genetics.

My friends mom did the same thing both times. But her boyfriend is a douche so let’s hope they never marry.

When people ask why I’m not going to have kids I respond with “Oh, because I have a 10 year IUD”

I am completely stunned that she managed to make a situation wholly about you (and your bebe) into some acerbic enforcement of her timeline for your life. Seriously. I want to hug you and give you a onesie I randomly bought at Marshalls the other day and make you a watermelon slushie.

Basically you do a lot of what I call “Couch parenting.” You take the toddler to a room that’s safe and has toys for them (playroom, their bedroom etc) and they play while you lay on the couch or bed or whatever. They’re safe and contained and you can doze off without it being a problem. Normally I can’t fall asleep

Doesn’t seem like that much of a conundrum - your kid doesn’t get a sibling, he or she will never know a different life they never had with a sibling so you can let yourself off the hook. Crack open your favorite libation and celebrate!

I firmly believe I would be a terrible mother.. but then people say things like “Your motherly instinct will kick in.” Those people need leave me alone and let me be a childless spinster.

Jezzies, can I get some moral support? I’m 29, a home owner, financially stable, and been with my boyfriend turned fiance for five years. We were overjoyed when we recently found out we were pregnant, and I told my mom yesterday. She was fucking livid. Kept growling about how I should be married first. I was shocked

And Aidan. So. Many. Aidans.

Why is anyone bothering with children when mine are OBVIOUSLY the cutest, smartest, and most talented and there’s no way anyone else can win? Idiots.

And Stella. And I’ve also noticed an uptick in Chloes, especially among super girlie girl women. You know, the type who make you secretly wish Chloe grows up to be a super tomboy and not the doll-daughter their moms have been hoping for since they were 8.

If there are more children being born in the US then women should stop pressuring me by asking me why I don’t want children and telling me I should have them. There’s clearly a ton of women out there having babies. I don’t need to be one of them.

It’s our consumption that Mother Earth can’t handle. And before we talk overpopulation, we have to discuss globally giving women free agency to control their fertility and the resources to do so.