
You are officially the Best.

creepy and unpleasant

it's been nice to be off that emotional roller-coaster with her, but I fear that I'm going to be the mean one who would not accept a truce

I would love to visit Japan some day!

Does anyone have vacation plans?

I've had a couple of great therapy sessions this past week and a half so I hope for some solid baby steps forward.

And if your friends are acting judgy about it, then it's time you got new friends.

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Because I don't want to turn out like her.

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I love this movie SO much. 20 years ago, before the Criterion release, my ghey friends had a grainy bootleg copy that we would watch over and over. Last year Albert Maysles did a talk after a screening at LACMA. I had never seen it on the big screen. I was horrified by the details. Suddenly the dirt and filth was

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Here's Justin being a snotty winking turd at his deposition. Good stuff.

justin's a turd

What should I do?

Why the ever loving fuck is this woman holding a public office?

Victor's rise to power was gradual and methodical, starting at those group picnics and continuing long-distance even before he moved to Rush City. That's the thing about cults, and about predators. There's a slow but constant grooming. You don't really realize how drastically things have changed, so it feels normal.

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Here's Matt Lauer getting called to the mat for asking GM CEO Mary Barra if she can do 2 jobs well. He would never ask a male CEO that. #sexism

the Academy is dominated a bunch of self-indulgent, old, white-male filmmakers

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I love Barbra Streisand in this clip. I think she's wearing Galanos. 1968? Watch out for your sheer bell bottoms!

Matthew Rolston: insufferable toad.

you can never do too much history