
here's to rediscovering emotions in 2015.

why are my people so dumb. why.

Women obviously can't choose whether or not to drink alcohol.

Wasn't Janet Jones the blonde that got pregnant Dirty Dancing?

Any Jezzies unlucky enough to have a mother with narcissistic personality disorder

Perhaps a small, intimate, easy cocktail party with hors d'oeuvres / take-out food

You and your husband are a Partnership, not hostage situation.

Block them.

Girl, take the plunge. You will never know unless you approach him. If he isn't, cross him off the List. Youlda Coulda Shoulda. Go for it!

I would love to receive a book of thoughtful stupid responses. That's awesome!

I know someone that worked on this video. Lots of cocaine on set. huh.

what adult needs help loading the dishwasher in their own house?

Jezzies, how do I tell my mom?

And dudes, nothings is more repulsive than waving your fiscal dick around.

Congratulations on your sobriety! Here's to a wonderful 2015!

the most adorable picture of a POTUS ever

You should see her daughter: a blonde baby Bjork.

you really might want to go buy a hybrid Ferrari* instead

Now playing

Um, the make up is heavy handed and while I'm all for Big Hair, that wig is broke. She such a beautiful woman, but here she looks like a drag queen.

if he's guilty, he deserves the public shaming