
I feel like this large silence in a way is almost confirmation that yes he did do it.

God I feel sorry for Michelle Pheiffer. Her hair and make up is ghastly.

It's a shame that weddings and prom are the only time people can dress up formally and have a party. It would be nice if we could have another event without commiting to another person.

Glendale Galleria Macy's

is anyone else planning to spend NYE just chilling out alone?

It is hard cutting people out of your life.

I don't really drink, so I wouldn't know what to buy anyways.

Nice bottle of Scotch?

Fuck religious nonsense and fuck this dumb cult started by a known conman.

so, do you feel like your eyes have gotten any better?

he sort of has no moral values, and he is not just an "asshole" since he genuinely seems to lack the capacity for feeling empathy

I was diagnosed with blepharitis

She's prone to fits of extreme rage, but she's nice when she wants something. My parents have always indulged her behaviour as long as it gives them something to boast about.

This year, the greatest gift hubby & I are giving each other is avoiding his family altogether.

I cry so much cutting onions

the asshole boyfriend from 10 Things I Hate About You?

For my birthday, he wanted to by me a toaster, because we needed a new one for the apartment

the Christmas before, he had only gotten me two plastic laundry baskets.

that includes place settings by Roberto Cavalli at a cost of $3,700 each

but I'm friendly with/think highly of a close friend of hers.