A Sky Like Honey

I’d have more anger if #GirlBossKaren there had ripped off ordinary people rather than bloated investment banks.

Gralia, you failed rentboy - is this the man you’re going to protect?

He does give off major fuckboi incel vibes...

One of the most delightfully batshit theories - that was later found to be entirely true! - was that ancient Scots were in contact with the Inuit and other civilisations that fringe the Arctic. In case you’re sitting there and going “What the hell?” there was a long-held theory about ancient Scots coming into contact

“With one product dominating the category, consumers deserve another option. STARRY is bright, optimistic, and rooted in culture and fun.”

Hot take: women’s blazers too often look like a drag queen doing their level-best to do a Love Boat skit. I’m for dressing professionally, but you cannot tell me that a woman’s incapable of looking smart and professional in, say, a blouse or shirt or even a cardigan (heavens forbid women dress comfortably).

Rape alarm. Get a rape alarm. When these mouthbreathers approach you, activate it and hold it against their ear and give them the fright of their lives. If you hurt someone, simple - just claim you felt threatened and intimidated. You’re not killing anyone, you’re not using lethal force (unless you insist on wearing

Don’t forget that for some types, India isn’t part of Asia. That’s not a joke - there are some people out there who are shocked to learn that Asia is a fucking huge place with multiple ethnic groups and languages (for shits and giggles, tell your Average Basic American that the word caucasian comes from an outdated

I don’t think he’d be allowed to choose where he serves his time, especially if Romanian nationals are involved.  Whilst he does hold a US passport, I don’t think the US would entertain the idea of his setting foot in the US to serve time, and likewise the British government will probably turn round and tell him to go

With things like him there’s always a veneer of humanity that’s thinner than you think. It just takes one light scratch and the shit he hoped he could conceal just gushes forth.  I bet it won’t be the last thing that comes out.

Cultural appropriation is what White America does so well.  See:  every single Oirish/Scawdish LARPer.

It’s okay. You guys have L&P, Whittaker’s and BurgerFuel. Plus: chicken salt. Guard that with your lives otherwise that lot’ll come “liberate” you.

Burgundy, France”

This isn’t the first time this prick’s threatened to walk away, I’m sure of it. I’m sure there was something muttered back in the days before the restaurant gave dozens of diners norovirus in, I want to say 2015 that he planned to shutter the restaurant for good and piss off and create an “urban farm”.

Never you mind, Brianna. You’ll never have gone there any way. There’s always Cracker Barrel.

Westwood didn’t play by the rules. That’s a bloody fact. Take a look at her womenswear from any collection and whilst most fashion designers were either designing dresses for skinny teenage boys (hello, Hedi Slimane, you pervert) or rich monied hags from Paris or Dubai (bonjour, every Parisian fashion house), Westwood

Given the factoid about him keeping a tally of his “kills” in Afghanistan, that cost is only going to increase. Whoops, Harry, whoops...

Or burgers, which is what I assume Lil Kady, Brave Authoress of this shite, lives off.

Okay, we’re coming over.  I’ll bring the trifle and we’ll whip one of the lesser bloggers on this site into doing the dishes.

...a witch hunt in 17th-century Scotland