A Sky Like Honey

I’m kind of sad that Under The Skin doesn’t stick to the book more in terms of, well, everything because the film only shows a few shimmering little glimpses of what the book contained. (Here be spoilers, bitches!)

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We should do this every time one of the resident bloggers does a slideshow post...

*energy industry cap just melted*

She’s a Stephen King character brought to life.  

Oh thank the tiny Christ I’m not the only one who keeps getting that. I suppose it’s some sort of engagement-maximiser or just generic programmer inepitude. Come, let us shun them.

As the summer went on, the humble salumiere amassed over 1.5 million followers, including plenty of fascinated Americans. Some drooled over the quality of his ingredients; others shrieked in horror at his lack of condiments and cavalier disposal of the “good part” of the bread.”

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I sort of have a soft spot in my head for this ridiculous piece of shit. At times the horror - sorry, “horror” - is pretty well-shot and well-done (the construction workers all jumping to their deaths for one) and then, there are bits where I just end up cracking up - namely, the women in the park with the knitting

Knowing the Happening?  Christ, that sounds awful.

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A word of sympathy from across the Pond...

I admit it - that bit made me cackle.

A cake that’s apparently so universally loved and culturally well-known that if you ask anyone outside of the USA they’d go “what the fuck are you on about?”

Aquafaba is pretty brilliant - like the article says, you can use it for emulsifying...but you can also make a vegan-friendly meringue with it too. Even vegans deserve macarons, goddamnit...

I’ve often found switching the bathroom light rids you of the unwanted umami.  That or either mayo or a can of condensed mushroom soup (helping Americans smother flavour for 100 years!)

On the bread side - I’ve always found that good tortillas make an excellent alternative to the white/brown/multigrain bread nonsense. Plus, making wraps is fun!

I’ve been working at my current employer for over a decade now. I love the job. I love the people I work with. I hate a healthy fraction of my customers (because, contrary to popular non-Brit opinion, British people love to moan. Karen? Bitch, please. We colonised your basic arses with Karen McKaren and the Kareneers)

Best way to kill any desire to resurrect a decade’s fashion? Resurrect the hairstyles. The blonde girl in that picture? What sort of creature did she kill and eviscerate to slap on her head? Do you all want to walk around with chunky highlights and hipster jeans? D’you all want to have Zac Efron’s hair monstrosity?

Oh dear lord. Why, oh why does every “fantasy” series have to feature either really shite English accents (fun fact: there’s no such thing as a “British” accent - unless you want to include Welsh accents, Northern Irish accents, Scottish accents and the whole plethora of English accents in that mix, minions) or really

You just know this going to be a skit on Drag Race.  You just fucking know it.

It.  Goes.  With.  Everything.