The Tim

but it could’ve been seized and acted upon opportunistically by...” a sinister foreign government, run by a former KGB agent, adept at recognizing and leveraging easily-manipulated people and making them puppets.

mmmmm, a bowl of room-temperature vomit!

...have you seen the NBA?



DEFINITELY because no one in the NBA plays competent defense and no one else in the NBA is an aggressive offensive player. That’s it. Yup. That’s it.

How much of Curry’s success is the system Jackson incubated & Kerr perfected? How much of any one player’s success is owed to the system? I don’t think Curry becomes an all-time great anyplace but GS any time but when he did. I don’t think any coach in 2014 other than Kerr is letting Curry bomb 3s from half court.

Truthers gotta truth
And that is the truth

New Unbearable Pukes are always better than Old Unbearable Pukes
See: world politics for the past ~4000 years

Still no for me. So many floppy head snaps on contact. So many offensive fouls (push-offs in the lane, stiff-arming Iggy on the rebound at 4:00 in the above highlight reel...), SO MANY TRAVELS. I don’t blame Harden, mind you. I blame the garbage reffing. 50% of Harden’s “amazing” plays are the result of cheating. The


Thurl Ravenscroft sang the song. Karloff only did the narration.

would watch 100%

“you have forgotten the face of your father”
Coach Lebron Sr. to player Lebron Jr. on the 2027 Cleveland Cavs after Jr. misses two clutch free-throws to send them to the playoffs

You have forgotten the face of your father

I just laughed again because I watched the highlights multiple times and still didn’t believe it when you said Austin Rivers is still a paid NBA player.

Watching the highlights I legit laughed out loud at some of his shots.

Go home, Allan, ur drunk

Not an open net. Words have meanings. 

“terrible decisions if you’re in the magazine and tabloid-selling business”