The Tim

Andrew Bogut! Andrew Bogut! Andrew Bogut!

Agreed with the Westbrook comparison. Harden plays the exact same me-first hog ball. Both crap out of the playoffs. Both prevent their teams from developing actual strategies and tactics because they’ll just hero ball their way to victory.

I tried all season to like the Rockets, but every time I started to admire the potency of their offense Harden n Paul would start head snapping on minor contact, pulling guys over onto themselves to get fouls called, jumping sideways to initiate contact, outright flopping, egregiously shoving off on drives... it makes

Anthony Davis and Rajon Rondo called. They say “NAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”

They tried last year against the Cavs.

So... you don’t use the abstract thinking function of your brain much?

dunno why you are sensing anger

The question is, are the current Warriors the best team, ever, in any sport. I’m not constructing a hypothetical team, I am stating that Lebron, the current player that most resembles Rodman, the current player that most resembles Pippen, good role players, a strong bench, and good coaching could beat the current

“I literally didn’t compare with any other sport”

“It’s difficult I know to compare cross-sport” and yet you did...

“Nobody on Jordan’s Bulls, Magic’s Lakers, or any Celtics team in history guards Kevin Durant, or even does a passable job of doing so.”

That’s not a hot take. Not even a lukewarm take. It’s pretty much a “meh” take.

Drunk people are loud and lack self-control.

No human can catch, gather, and shoot a ball in 0.5 seconds. Not Middleton, not Derek Fisher. I hate this about the NBA.

There is a time limit to inbound the ball, no? If the clock doesn’t start until a player touches the ball, shouldn’t a player ‘walking the dog’ still be part of the inbound countoff? Or is there actually something written in the rules about this?

LOL no

I declare that you both are correct #allwinners

I am irrationally passionate about whole-heartedly agreeing with you. You are absolutely correct. If anyone disagrees you can fight me.