
Capital murder: eligible for death penalty. Which, if you look at it a certain way *is* a life sentence.

And people think George RR Martin is bad.

So this is going to be like Chatroulette for Tor?

I live in California and I frequently describe the weather as "dull & boring".

Rule #1: You do not talk during number 1.

My first glance at the headline: Village People diagnosed with dementia.

Cathars of southern France believed the New Testament was written by a benevolent God. The Old Testament and Creation itself were the work of Satan, a lesser god or demiurge. I think their belief system makes too much sense, which is why they were exterminated by the Catholic Church.

The other photo was more linkbait worthy than this.

You win the internet today. Love the Python reference.

I find it ironic that Emilia Clarke is a brunette playing a blonde, while Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell) is a blonde playing a brunette.

I'm living in the very dry California. Those Alaskans stole our high pressure and warm air but they have water, we should invade.

We would be happy with just rain in California. And not that light mist we got yesterday.

10,ooo years from now archaeologists will insist the primitives of our time had no advanced technology or science and they are the pinnacle of human civilization. Nothing new under the sun.

We have to come up with a new theory on where lost socks go then.

It was the carrots.

"Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!"

Things would be more peaceful and less awesome if they had some pro sports. Football! It keeps people on the couch and ignorant instead of in the streets protesting and overthrowing governments.