
I take it your submission was vetoed again?

As much as I love genre fiction and the idea of cross overs and characters returning to worlds where they always belonged...

Uniforms, regalia, and iconography aside, it’s interesting just how universal the ideology or way of thinking discussed by the video actually is. For instance, we can draw direct parallels to American society. It’s a society that professes to greatly value veteran status, and sees military service in its politicians

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I’ve thought about that ever since the idea most anti-fascist media end up making fascism look cool crossed my path. Stuff like American History X just doesn’t work. Neo-nazis reportedly bought tickets and left after the first scene. You can stop a kid with the inclination from growing up into a fascist by showing

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Just as important, make movies that are true to the characters. Snyder’s Superman movies failed in significant part because Superman is an altruistic paragon and Snyder doesn’t believe those exist.

I’m not saying that we’ll never see another cinematic Batman or Superman, but it probably will be a while, and it won’t be the Snyder/Cavill/Affleck versions of those characters. Cavill is reportedly done with the role. Affleck would probably be happy to be done with Batman. Snyder is likely never going to make

The problem with any fictional series is that the authors are making it up as it goes along, so it’s inevitable that cracks will appear.

Regardless, make a kick ass Batman film and people will show. Make a kick-ass Superman film and people will show.

Green Lantern came out three years after Iron Man and displayed no interest in setting up a wider universe (though it would have been, in retrospect, a no-brainer, given the cosmic hero/space opera theme).

Or, they can make the Flash movie a Flashpoint one, and reboot the entire DCEU.  Heck, as I recall, Flashpoint revolved around the Flash, WW and Aquaman...

I’m not seeing the death of the DCEU either. WW and AM are successful. If Shazam does well like early Thor or Ant-Man (that is, generally enjoyable but not a super big moneymaker), then I predict them leaning in to the second and third tier characters and reworking Supes and BM. However, I hope they still give Cavill

The irony is that the Snyder/DCEU movies made Superman and Batman pretty much non-viable for a whole generation of viewers

Superman is a good guy at heart who would die to save everyone despite people telling him he’s wrong, Batman is what happens if you let a mentally-ill rich person think that he can do whatever he wants. Nothing new about these interpretations.

You didn’t read the article did you.

“A look at the future that never came to pass”

More to the point, an awesome Asian woman [might be] getting her own show. Anybody who would read this story and think Yeoh is just a “diversity hire” didn’t watch the show and hasn’t seen her in anything else. Every moment she was in Discovery was a moment where I was bummed she wasn’t the star of the show.

Oh no, an Asian woman is getting her own show, I better make a post mocking people who want to see more representation.

The facts of the world do tend to slant left. Not much to be done about it I'm afraid. Well, you can always lie.

Thank you for speaking up. I am baffled that your opinion and mine seem to be in the minority in these comments. I am slightly suspect that some of these people are paid off. It is not at all irrational to worry about the largest information-gathering company in the world teaming up with the Defense Department to

I’m blown away by the shortsightedness of many of the commenters on this article, who give the military way too much credit in the altruism category. They argue the AI work is a net positive because it will make streamline the process of safeguarding drone strikes. The argument essential goes: “Why not allow AI to