
Now if Bezos could show the same level of generosity to his employees...

My god, the excitement coursing through my veins right now... you could bottle it, drink it and get high as a fucking kite.

I think your criticism of the quote is misguided. I’m not saying what you wrote was false or anything, just that you missed the point the writer was trying to make. Yes, no one will think punching your way through real life is a proper strategy to deal with troubles because you saw it worked in movies. Yes, the

I had never heard of the show til all the events that led to Amazon buying the rights. Wifey and I watched it maybe sixish months ago and my word, its so freaking good. Best outer space show since Battlestar Galactica and by the end I could see myself liking it even more. Dec 13th can’t come soon enough. Also, Amos is

That looks so good, i hope amazon promotes the shit out of it too.

Because your entire point is ‘I don’t like it, because I think it looks weird. Therefore it’s trash, therefore it should do poorly.’

Okay, sorry it doesn’t meet your expectations to what your imagination is when reading a book by yourself as an individual experience.

Weird, I thought the same thing when I saw any number of actors portraying various figures of pop culture.

Also, Fenty is one of the few lines that caters well to WOC. And, as an athlete, she probably spends far less time wearing a full face of makeup than the average person going to an office job—and therefore isn’t spending as much on it overall. But also, who cares?

*dodges thrown objects*

I actually kind of like Man of Steel, too.  With a few key issues.

*pokes head in* is this where the Man of Steel Fans Support Group meets?  Or am I early?  I loved that movie.  Yes, Kal-El seems to give no fucks about how many explosions he causes in a very branded Smallville, but he’s brand spanking new to Superman-ing.  Then BvS happened and, Martha, and it’s all downhill from

Totally agree. I was a great story of a man in search of his purpose.

To say that he “did not care” is a projection of one’s own aspirations, and not a reality of the situation at hand.

For the faults of BvS and Justice League you really can’t say that the filmmaker did not care about the characters, it is just they cared about them in a different way from yourself.

Yeah, that ridiculous depiction of him growing up happy in the Midwest with loving friends and family and growing into a happy well adjusted superhero who put innocent lives above all else. I mean where’d we get that other than 80 YEARS OF COMICS DEPICTING HIM AS EXACTLY THAT!?!

The Asian guy they are fighting in that scene is Liang Yang and nobody talks about how FANTASTIC he is in that scene.   He basically kicks both Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill’s asses.

I agree. It’s comic book movies. They can do Flashpoint or Crisis of Infinite Earths and not only fix the movie universe but possibly merge the TV universes.

That said, I really hope that Cavill isn’t done as Superman

At first glance I thought this was cool because Cavill has the potential to be a truly great Superman if given better material—but this isn’t even referencing something that Cavill did AS Superman.  It’s referencing some other character the actor played.  (Like if he’d done this move as Superman, it would be as if it