
Yeah, let me sum up the Republican freak-out over Ms. Ocasio-Cortez:

Schools won’t tolerate bullying. Of course, since nobody knows what “bullying” is and it’s so easy to dismiss such behavior as “boys will be boys” or “roughhousing”, nobody ever gets in trouble for it. Victims just need to toughen up or stand up for themselves.

 🤣 You had me at.. “this jabronie’ 🤣

You never know what will get people heated these days. 

And yet they manage to make new Just Dance games every year and even port them to the Wii!

with luck this trend of everything keemstar loves being turned to dust before his eyes will continue

I had never heard of this guy but decided to google ‘keemstar racism’ .

I’m amazed at how controversial the statement of “If you invent something, you should probably get credit/acknowledgement for it” apparently is, but that’s my fault for once again underestimating Gamers.  

Keemstar getting destroyed due to somehow seeing him do something successful and stealing it.

This jabroni had to know, conceptually, that his small (in comparison) tourney was never going to be able to compete with whatever Epic decided to do. But, in the end, this is the same thing that happened with League and Overwatch. Their games are too popular and make too much money for them to let randos run

“If you needed a game to prove you were a real American”


This attitude is behind a very good portion of all the assholery that goes on in the name of the flag and America and all of that. This is not even to mention how lacking in factual and statistical basis such pointless assumptions are:


There are two types of Trumpist grifters and Gaetz definitely seems like the extremely self aware opportunist.

Wow, who knew that the same Matt Gaetz (R-FL) who...

“if you needed a game to prove you were a real American”

For the record, Gaetz is a Trump yes-man who’s laser-focused on waving the red flag of deep state persecution to score points with his constituency, my district, and making a larger political name for himself, presuming with the intent of using that notoriety for something more glamorous.

Having said that, he’s also

Not only was that fucked-up, but pure evil 

“We picked the cotton that made America an economic superpower.”

This racist can’t even read. He just wants to be mad about a comment he doesn’t even understand.

This isn’t even a stretch. The Dutch and the French had their former slave colonies paying them back for lost profits, so if entire nations have the gall to pull that then why can’t we get reparations?

Also honor your fucking treaties and pay American Indians our repatriations as well.