I hope every child who ever died of polio or measles haunts her ass for the rest of her days.
I hope every child who ever died of polio or measles haunts her ass for the rest of her days.
Maybe it was the Ghost of Vaccines Past
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.
Now now, the US is still first world, but with murder/ crime rates, infant mortality rate, income inequality, etc that’s all more closely comparable to third world nations than other first world nations, it’s easy to understand the confusion.
You’re right. We are a 2nd world shithole. Glad you set that guy straight.
That was fun. You picked the worst and Haiti has been under constant crippling attack from the wealthy elite since they dared to revolt against their French slave masters. Double points for kicking down.
Remind me why we are better than some third world “shithole.”
SGX reiterated this point numerous times: he’s just roleplaying, and the people who are criticizing him and reporting his channel are the real bullies and harassers.
Role playing involves consent and I don't think that this guy gets that.
People blaming her/her family for not finding an alternative or filing the correct paperwork:
Poverty isn’t just monetary. It is a poverty of resources, poverty of information, and poverty of advocacy.
Oh, so the cameras would have skipped the whole part where Zimmerman attacked him first. I see.
She’s only a feminist when it benefits her and women like her (white, straight, conservative). Sorry, bitch, you can’t sit with us
To add onto that, Tammy spends every other breath when she’s not getting her precious snowflake feelings hurt talking about how much of a feminist she isn’t and how much feminism sucks.
OMFG thank you. This “feminism means support all women regardless of what dangerous anti-women/immigrant/marginalised community views they hold” is FUCKING IDIOTIC and shows how much the right truly does not and never will understand women.
Hey. I’m a white person in the grays and I gotta say Fuck Tami,Tomi shitbag. #notallwhitepeopleinthegrays
And feminism doesn’t require we support shitty women from the consequences of doing and saying shitty things.
For the other white people in the grays:
Nobody even went there, except you, snowflake.
lol, so offended by people being “offended” you have to bring it up when it’s not even relevant