
"I'm not sure it's about chances at that point. Jimmy used up all of those. I think it's about Chuck being able to notice, acknowledge, and respect change." Well said. Maybe Jimmy is similar to a recovering addict. It would help if the people close to him would support and validate his attempt to stay clean.

Nah, I think the plan can work without the rant, but it's a nice bonus.

Sling was fine for me tonight, but I've had my issues. I think I'm moving on from them soon. Better streaming services have come along since they came on the scene, some of which actually have the major networks.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I did see a few others that were just teasers, not full eps, so that would explain it. Like I said, new listener.

I'm only just starting to listen to it. Also enjoy the exasperated tone of the whole thing, although they sometimes go off on a single subject for too long, IMO.
I heard a teaser for an episode about The West Wing, but the actual episode didn't seem to ever pop up on my feed. Did anyone else have this issue?

So that was a true story? I remember that bit from a TV movie VH1 or someone made, but assumed it was fiction. I think it was called "The Two of Us" or something.

Upvoted for not saying "begs the question."

The Leftovers is great. The first season is a pretty tight self-contained story, and pretty realistic once you get past the premise. The second season is weirder and messier, but still compelling.

Whether they were assholes or not has nothing to do with the quality of their music. I love the Stones late 60s early 70s output, and I tend to think of them as one of those white bands that basically tried to mimic black music, failed miserably, and created something of their own almost by accident.
That said, it

That version of "Life During Wartime" is definitely one of my all-time favorite songs.

Hathaway's performance is great, but as I recall, she's a pretty unlikable character, and there are some pretty cringe-worthy scenes. Not cringe-worthy as in bad, just maybe uncomfortable and hard to sit though for some people. I liked it, but I can see why some people would find it off-putting.

I came here to see if anyone was talking about that. As an unabashed Nabin fan, I'm looking forward to checking out his new site. I'm skeptical that he'll make much money off it, but I hope he can keep it going for a while at least. His initial vision seems super-ambitious.…

The little skits with the bots were never my favorite bits of the old show, either. This is probably sacrilege, but I would often fast forward through them. However, I did enjoy the "every country has a monster" song they did in the new Reptillicus episode.
My only real complaint about the new show is that they're a

So…I'm four episodes in, and I think the new MST3K is good. Would anyone care to tell me why I'm wrong? (or right? Not really trying to start an argument; just curious what people think.)

I liked it the first time, but thought it was a step down between seasons 1 and 3. Second time through, I realized it's probably better than 1. Only 5 is problematic, and even it I think is better than its reputation.

The chess metaphor is indeed clunky. It gets a bit more nuanced and complex in later seasons as it goes, but you probably watched enough to conclude that it's not for you. At the end of the day, it's about how cities fail and institutions betray individuals with good intentions, and it hammers that theme pretty hard.

Actually, it's great. I liked it better the second time through.

Michael Jordan not only grew that style of mustache, he kept it for a national commercial.

I'm just getting to the final season. I found the director and the other residents at the halfway house just a little too wise and speech-y in the first episode. But it's a very minor complaint. Still enjoyed the episode, and can't wait to finish the show, although I know I'll be a little sad when it's over.

As I mentioned to someone else, the idea of a "hoax" really caught me by surprise at the time. The filmmakers gave a long interview, which I read before seeing the film in theaters, where they laid out exactly what they did. So it wasn't a full-on hoax. But I did read somewhere that the actors were asked to keep out