
" as if their Reagan-Era parents represent the sum-total of past human existence." Of course you're right about this, but in one of your previous comments you said "THE generation that values money over everything", which implies that this single generation is the worst. It seems you're now contradicting yourself,

I can't remember if I said this here or not, but I always felt that it was unfair to count those 12 Jane Does as accusers, since they could have been the product of some lawyer's imagination. But once you start getting to 40, it's hard not to "round up to guilty," as someone else put it.

FWIW, there's at least one regular here who defended Cosby in a "let's not presume guilt" sort of way who has shifted to being an outspoken critic as the number of accusers increased.

I don't; you're the one being coy. I'm going to guess "millennials," since that's usually who's being picked on in "these kids today"-type screeds, but I can't think of any reason why that generation is more greedy than any other, and there are some indicators that they are less materialistic than their parents.

"that was not the only goal The Beatles had" yes, I think that's his point, to show that the hard distinction you tried to make between art and "commodity" does not reflect reality.
But I'm curious, when you say "the generation that values money above everything," who are you referring to? And how are they more

Haven't seen the film, but that was always my impression. I think Kurt would have been thrilled with, say, Pixies or Dinosaur Jr.-level commercial success, where you can tour and make records and bask in critical/scene appreciation but not be mobbed in public.

I agree. At the very least, that approach would have allowed the audience to learn more about Jim.

Was it ever explained why Norton's character had an American accent? Or was that just more random quirkiness?

I'm glad I'm not the only Wes Anderson fan who was left cold by Grand Budapest Hotel. Did we really need whimsical pseudo-Nazis threatening a fake country?

No, I haven't, which helps explain why they probably won't be considered. You may be right that they're better actors, but I think part of the reason Elba made sense to so many people is that he is well known outside of the UK. I've never watched a single Bond film, but a Bond film starring Stringer Bell might just be

Yeah, my understanding is that they let you sell it right back to them. I don't think they give you a very good price, but I bet that's what most people do. [at least, this applies to the cars; not sure about the other stuff]

I caught them live at a small venue before I (or pretty much anyone outside of their core fratty fanbase) had heard them. I remember it being a pretty solid, fun show. I also remember them getting way, way overplayed shortly afterward.

As it should. He was better than Stockton.

He's a quarter Jewish, for whatever that's worth. But I don't agree that jokes about Jews can only land if the audience hates jews. Again, Jewish comedians have been making those jokes forever, and Lewis CK [to name one non-Jewish comedian] made a joke about no Jews being allowed at the beginning of one of his

Mitch's character: I did not lose a leg in Vietnam so I could serve hotdogs to teenagers. Kelso: You have both your legs, man! Mitch: Like I said, I did not lose my leg in Vietnam.
Would not be surprised if he wrote the line. If not, the writer almost definitely was trying to mimic his comic voice.

Not certain if you know this or not, but Maher used to call himself a libertarian. He also went with "reluctant conservative" for a bit.

A thousand times yes on Life During Wartime. The live version was one of my favorite songs before I finally heard the studio version, and I remember being pretty disappointed with the latter.
Also, thinking about the live version of Freebird makes me a little wistful, not because I like the song (I don't), but because

I'm not sure if you're new here, but it's pretty snarky around here in general. If you're sensitive about "bashing," this probably isn't the best place for you.

Fair enough. I was taking the word "imitation" literally.

Less creative, fair enough. An "imitation"? Huh? Can you give examples?