
Okay. But what purpose does it serve to tell us your interpretation of Cage’s work if you don’t also expect some action to take place as a consequence? One of the problems of death of the author is that when the author is still living and might be affected by critical feedback death of the author says no, they don’t

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

You joke but can you IMAGINE what kind of ammo (yes, ammo) this gives Trump to fan the flames of “FUCK THE SCIENCE, VIOLENT GAMES ARE TO BLAME FOR SCHOOL SHOOTINGS!”.

It’s a lot less offensive way of making money then shoving auto-play video’s in someone’s face and then complaining when the ads are blocked.

So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.

bastion fucks.

do the robot next

Well, seeing as I had no clue the skin had an alternate effect on her abilities, maybe they should advertise that more?

Or you could do the math here and see that it make sense and plays out.


is it x

There was also the more low key, but fantastic, PC gaming conference, which, IMHO featured some of the best games (and with a lot less marketing buzzwords too! no uncompressed HDR pixel talk here!):