
Pubg, Dota, league, and csgo aren’t my thing but people like what people like

If it takes 1000 episodes of anime to explain that it’s not cockfighting, then it’s cockfighting.

Isn’t this a bit much? If every character in animation needs to be played by someone of their respective ethnicity, then I guess we have to recast Bart and Lisa as well?

Her two kids, in high school, they tell her that she’s uncool.

It amazes me that Nintendo continues to not understand the internet.

Non-Japanese fans of Japanese game: We are mad that a character from said Japanese game appears a slightly different shade of color in Japanese cartoon series based on same Japanese game!

I don’t think his comments were confusing at all. Especially with his other statements further clarifying the matter. To some people, the definition of politics means what its dictionary definition would claim it to be, and not something inherent to all of human interaction, as if it’s a force of nature or culture.

“Uh... Master... Master Skywalker... may I speak with you...?”

All good arguments for bad parenting. I think we can all agree that this is the way...

Let’s just get this out of the way

Come on Brian, there are kids that read Kotaku.

Everybody play Sleeping Dogs immediately. The steam version is constantly on sale and has everything.

Spoken like a true Luigi/Jigglypuff main.

Confused why this is a sequel instead of an expansion. Especially since it doesn’t drastically update the core elements of the gameplay like you’d imagine a sequel would. OW’s firstly been a pvp game with light story. There’s barely any update to pvp save for things we already would get like new characters/maps/gamemod

If this drowns out the clusterfuck year Activision-Blizzard has had I will be more disgusted than I already am. Seriously, fuck Activision’s executives

Also Gigguk

I’ve yet to see a game that more specifically caters to the sexual desires of, say, straight women or LGBTQ folks achieving a similar level of mainstream success”

You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.

It *can* be tender and intimate, but it is also often a painful, messy, frustrating, utilitarian endeavor that has to happen whether Mom feels up to it or not.