
Unfortunately, these caps just mean the workers can only get paid for 100 hours of overtime. In practice, they still work more hours, just without pay now. So good for companies on paper, because they spend less money, get the same amount of work, and look like they’re helping society, all at the expense of the

More shows like Avatar!

Not that I would know, but a friend tells me the mods add a lot more customization to character creation. Lost of creative people out there

I’m still F2P and I’m doing pretty great I think

I have tried firefox several times, and every single time I have regretted it. Always the slowest browser for me, it crashes often, and the worst thing, every time I start it I have to sit through an update window. Why can’t it silent update like every other browser? I can’t stand it. In fact, if I couldn’t use

“The Nintendo Switch in the midst of the best console launch year ever” Source? numbers? reasons??? Best for a Nintendo console? or best for any console?

there are plenty of graphics mods

I dunno, Fire Emblem Heroes has been my favourite game this year. I think the Gacha thing actually makes me feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Same as sports for me though, I love playing soccer, but it’s effing boring to watch. I’ll watch like olympics or playoffs hockey occasionally, just like maybe I’ll watch blizzcon overwatch matches, but in general why the hell would I spend time watching others do something when I can just as easily go do it myself?

I really enjoyed this movie, I thought it was a great adaptation. Especially the hair

Easy Edgy McEdgerson.

Like Negima: it’s one of my favourite manga of all time, but it had a garbage ending too. Luckily UQ Holder, the “sequel” series, tries to clean it off a bit.

Made a Cleric-Rogue who’s main profession was a charlatan. His whole background was about him selling miraculous devices that would solve anyone’s problems that would secretly only work with his magic, but when he left town they stopped working. Endless jugs of water, and the like.

I look forward to the banner image of these posts every season

Honestly, most of the people I know who’ve disliked it, played max 3 matches and had two draws and then stopped playing. But once you get used to it, it becomes a lot more fun. I’ve played a good 20+ matches and I found that once you get used to the meta it becomes a lot more exciting and you have some very

That’s funny, I found it the opposite; I found Leia much more realistic looking than Tarkin. Also didn’t occur to me at all that K2 was CG, they must be getting better at this.

I think it comes down to whether or not the fan service is a crutch for the show or not. If an anime can’t stand it’s own without pandering to it’s audience it’s not really worth it. But then you have shows like Kill La Kill, where the fan service is through the roof, but it just works somehow. In fact it’s part of

Not everyone has the same humour, no worries mate

I too first had them triggered during movies. Very odd
