Neighbour has a Yeti, loves it.
Neighbour has a Yeti, loves it.
Stanley is replacing a car for someone that purchased a travel cup from them. State Farm won’t even pay someone that has an insurance policy with them
Given the location and nature of the business, I am 100% certain the tow truck guys are also armed.
Finally, a good use for AI!
Yeah, if you belch all that shit out into the atmosphere your truck runs better.
No doubt qualified immunity will come in to play.
Laws are for the little people.
I hate to be “THAT GUY” since I am a life-long GM Fan and my father owned both a Jimmy and a K5 Blazer in my youth.
The bones might be good, but by the time you do/undo everything necessary to make it livable and not embarrassing to be seen in...nah. ND.
I’m gonna say that the bald front tires and the look of that engine bay overshadow the desirable engine and new 4wd. ND for an old and beat Durango with tacky looks.
I need to know the story of the two french sisters who bought a 25 year old Chrysler product and road tripped it to a rally in the desert.
I don’t think he can outbid an insurance company in bribes lobbying fees.
“Hi, I want to add my 14 year old son to my insurance. No, they dont have a licence, they don’t drive. “
His actual motivation is to keep those slots open until 2024 so that, in the event of a trump win (or a successful trump election rigging) they can all be filled with absolute trump loyalists.
It’s still basically just Mutual Assured Destruction.
China’s goal, it seems, is to do what it can to even prevent repairs to the ailing 80-year-old ship. If the ship begins to fall apart and decay further, China will gain control over the reef.
That is the finish line. The rest of the pavement is for braking before they reach the gravel/sand. I can’t imaging many people enjoying this short of a track. That’s only 3-4 seconds of racing for most “real” street cars.
Drag racing over a mere 330 feet...I didn’t know such an iteration existed.