
Many of those 167 new cars added to DPD’s fleet over the past couple of years were...

1. They are simply practicing and learning about maritime operations (from a operation group/task force level... such things are fairly new to them).

Finally we’ll find out what the best motor oil is.


Being found on a beach indicates it was buoyant enough to float onto the beach, which means it should have been too buoyant to be suspended underwater for any period of time. The most likely scenario is that it was trapped at depth: possibly it was wedged into an underwater crevice or attached to something less

Bold, clear, and dead wrong! The hurricane was unremarkable in the wind damage department. What devastated the city was the failed levee, and the widespread flooding that was the result.

True....and in some states Teens were allowed to pilot these things as a H.S. job....on our last day of HS before graduation my best friend Bob who was our bus driver let everyone get a chance to drive the bus on the route home....scary.

His ribs were fine, but he fractured two lungs? I am confused.....

How exactly is a model originated in 1958 and produced by the original manufacturer until 1982 a “retro” car? It’s not. It’s a classic.

Take them to school, dipshit.

The paint’s chipped.

Although the third one was fun, I can see why all three were cut. None of them were necessary... and I feel like virtually every single moment in that film was necessary. Such an amazingly tight edit.

Is this a campaign ad for what a Donald Trump presidency would be like?


Vanage a Trois?

Son of a bitch these people can vote. We’re fucked

This is ridiculous and I’m too offended to come up with a wittier comment than that.

Man, it sure would be nice if you could buy direct from the factory at that factory pricing, rather than having to negotiate a higher price from a middle man who really ends up doing nothing for you other than trying to sell you rust proofing and paint protection packages.

Ehhhh, I don’t know about that. Yes they/Bush handled that day and the week after very well, but the events that followed were ridiculous. A big imaginary search for WMD’s, that they knew weren’t there, not very grownup like.

“the fire moved through the firewall”