
It makes me crave one of these again.

Does anyone else realize that she left her baby in the freaking car?


lol tank sides

Classier move: Brady releases statement that he's so excited about his new Chevy Colorado that he decided to buy Butler one too to recognize his amazing interception.

What is up with the kid who got out of the minivan (seemingly fine) then suddenly decide to roll on the ground as if in pain... and his "parents" don't seem to care? Is the kid thinking insurance pay day?

Although the smallest of the big 3, Chrysler was by far the most profitable in the 90s. And they did it not by being the most reliable, but by bringing concept cars to the market remarkably intact.

I had a front row seat to Daimler killing the company. I'm still a little bitter.

1973: Because of a rare genetic mutation that makes the males in the Torchinsky clan particularly susceptible to the lure of unusual vehicles, Papa Torchinsky becomes intrigued (and possibly slightly aroused) at the thought of owning a new VW Golf with the sliding doors.

My bitch ex wife had me trade in her perfectly servicable Honda Odyssey on a new Pilot and then THREE FUCKING MONTHS LATER she went to the dealership and traded her new Pilot for a new Odyssey because she missed the sliding doors. Fuck that bitch in particular.

I think you nailed it.. The targets that Jordan is dropping on are either VERY low priority, or not really targets at all. My guess is that we wiped out anything of importance (that was stationary) in the first few days. What Jordan is doing now is more for show then anything. If they really want to be effective

Holy smoke Tyler.

This is my least favourite sort of weight-saving. It saves such a small amount of weight that it will never matter (as others have said in the comments, why then bother using labels rather than stamping the words in the metal or writing with a marker?), but it will introduce either mechanical problems or just

Isn't that a door handle directly below the strap? If so, that strap would be added weight.

Jeep isn't interested in Freedom. It's interested in selling you the IDEA of Freedom. Then using that money to build a wall between them and you, the unwashed masses.

I'll be honest; I was pretty conflicted about running this at all. I mean, I don't know the guy, he's just one person, and why defend a big company? But the issue here is his fervor just isn't directed at the right place at all. There's nothing wrong with his desire for a spare, but to make this just about Cadillac is

I'm absolutely livid my new computer didn't come with a serial port for my joystick

Time for bullet points so you all can mock me over the course of the afternoon.