
"Way of the road, Bubs."

That's the way she goes boys. old...damn this guy was decades ahead of could say millennia into the future...even now this design is futuristic :))


so how is this jalopnik worthy?

seems like this site is turning into a news site for detroit itself. Bring the actual relevant automotive news, not this crap.

How long before somebody steals the LEDs & wiring out of them?

Oh Good.

Needs more rust. That's the only way I remember my Tonka trucks.

The first time I went boating on a craft with a digital chart-plotter it took me all of a minute to realize I could draw a penis on the map with some precision boat driving. It's pretty high on the top-ten list of the most juvenile things I've ever done.

The rolling shutter is strong with this one.

Now playing

That would be airbag or even belt tensioners. I had the same sounds go off several times when my poor Peugeot went up in flames.

No. Just flat out no. Plows are not always out before the snow. Salt either comes too late, or can be washed away by rain that falls ahead of the snow. This makes for longer and more dangerous commutes. There will be deaths, easily topping the 5 in Alabama in larger cities. Yet life doesn't stop for those still alive.


Christ, what the hell do people expect of cars? Invincibility?

That thing is such a joke. There are so many point of failure on it that it's not even funny either. If just one of those failure points has a problem, the whole thing will come down and turn into a ball of flames!

MOPASTA - there you have it

Includes tool kit!

Here's the thing. I don't mind they saved a fuckton of money in getting this to replace an ancient, worn out vehicle.

Highly disappointed that this video didn't end with an epic Australian burnout. Seems like you could easily smoke hand truck tires WHILE sawing wood. That, my friends, would be epic.

Not really. Anyone that's lived there knows all the roads where people will have problems.

Sno-Way used to sell plows for AMC Eagles.