If only people always carried around with them a small ration of warm liquid that is already at about door handle height that could be used to thaw the handle.
If only people always carried around with them a small ration of warm liquid that is already at about door handle height that could be used to thaw the handle.
Looks like a worn out car to me. Maybe useful as a beater spare vehicle, but one that doesn’t leave the county.
I once got rear-ended so bad it broke my back window. Body shop apparently put used glass in the car. I found this out on a cool morning. Left for work and hit a low spot where the windows instantly fogged. A ghostly memorial to some dude appeared on the back window from where the sticker had once been. Freaked me…
Dissimilar metals used in bumpers. Anyone who was alive by 1980 certainly will recall seeing Fords, Dodges, and Chevys with missing front or rear bumpers, sometimes replaced by a bolted-on treated 2X8 board. It seems that galvanic corrosion hadn’t yet been discovered.
Mother-In-Law transport. Make sure all luggage is covered in sound absorbing foam.
Yes. Slight inclines. Headwinds. Anything but hypermiling level acceleration.
I got a great deal on a 1975 Chrysler Newport with 30k miles on it in 2001 because the used car dealer thought there was something wrong with the electrical system. Turned out it was just the Fuel Pacer light. I made sure it was illuminated to full brightness as much as possible while I owned that car.
I had a fantastic high school gig at my local department store in the mid-90s. I was the bike assembler and got paid $4/ea to assemble Huffy and similar bikes. I got to where I could do 10/hour. Pretty good money then. And my assembly quality was an order of magnitude better that the traveling assembler who had been…
Car is shorthand for “Automobile”, right?
Everything about this is stupid. Note the driver didn’t crash into anything except the brightly colored boxes. Engineered drama. What a silly waste of everything.
Impractical for the masses. How many people can’t be bothered to replace a broken headlight on their car? No way they will ever maintain airworthiness of a so-called flying car.
My most recent ones will do that, right up until you put it in gear, then you get some sort of dim headlights somewhere between real headlight and DRL intensity.
The only person who experiences a net win in this scenario is the person after the last person to participate. Always be the last last person.
My local McDonalds in a moderately dense commercial area closed rather suddenly a few weeks ago. One day it was full of cars in the drive-thru. The next day it was surrounded by trucks with people carrying equipment out. By sunset all logos, signs, and anything else remotely identifying it as a McDonalds was gone.
I approve this message. That is all. Resume whatever you were doing.
Drive through Christmas Light displays. Would prefer to have tail lights and amber running lights only as to not ruin the effect. I also had to physically unplug my headlights to tow a float in my community’s lighted Christmas parade.
Vehicles with headlights that cannot be turned off: ruining drive through Christmas light displays for everyone else since 1999.
Yet another reason to avoid ‘sledding for wealthy white wankers’.